No Mercy (2019)

  • Year: 2019
  • Released: 01 Jan 2019
  • Country: South Korea
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Korean
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
  • Runtime: 94 min
  • Writer: Min Kim, Kyeong-Taek Lim
  • Director: Kyeong-Taek Lim
  • Cast: Lee Si-young, Park Se-wan, Lee Jun-hyuk
  • Keywords: kidnapping, revenge, sisterhood,
false% – Audience

No Mercy Storyline

A woman seeks to take revenge when her young sister disappears and she finds out that her sister suffered violence and sexual abuse from school bullies.

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720pbluray862.43 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:5BC2B99E35C121ABF21ECB9F4D3F15B0C3061C34
1080pbluray1.73 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:695BE97DF3C21FEB65A13642234B281C400E74BA

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No Mercy Movie Reviews

Action packed, but lacking major story line

Lead Lee Si-young is incredible in this movie. She really gets to show off her boxing skills, and it’s absolutely action packed, but there are so, so many holes within the screenwriting and overall story arc. It’s almost like you’re thrown into one scene, a one day action film that gives you zero background about the young girl Eun-hye and her sister. I appreciated the film for its use of great action shots and intensity in the fighting scenes, but it doesn’t do much more within an hour and a half. The crazy thing is, the writer-directors chose such an important topic that it absolutely could have had more of an arc but ended up letting the viewer down by not living up to it.

Awesome for what it is, If also a bit silly and far fetched.

After watching Sweet Home on Netflix I was really intrigued with this actress so looked into other stuff she was in that might interest me and this film fit the bill!

You have to remember youre watching an action revenge flick.. nothing more nothing less..

for what it is i really enjoyed it… it does get a little silly with what happens to her sister but without giving away spoilers thats all i’ll say.

If you like revenge films you wont be dissapointed.. just make sure you leave your brain at the door and your suspension of disbeleif is at level 1000…. (more for the sister rather than the actual heroine.. who is very beleivably badass)

Deserves much more credit

If in Taken, they took his daughter, and in John Wick, they killed his dog, it was definitely a bad idea to mess with her sister.

I agree that it has some holes in the story line, but that doesn’t make it a bad movie. The actors and actresses delivered a wonderful performance and the plot is MIND. BLOWING. Like, I wasn’t sure if the movie was good or bad for me because it was messing with my brain and my emotions.

Either way, they’re definitely impacting the audience, so good job!