Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Man (2018)


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Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Man Subtitles Download

Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Man Movie Reviews

A straight docu with intense insights

Everything you need to know about the genius Elon Musk. In addition to the classically told biography, a psychologist’s view of Elon Musk’s childhood is particularly interesting. His drive to become an entrepreneur, his relationship with his father, the bullying in school, to his worldwide success.

For Elon Musk worshippers only

Preaching to the choir effect.

The only target audience for this crappy documentary are those pathetic men that have Elon Molusk as their lord and savior, believing he is some sort of “real life iron man” (Something even more pathetic that having Harry Potter or Eragon as some sort of holy grails of literature)

Iron Man is just a puerile fantasy. There is no “real-life Iron Man” just in the same way there is no “real-life Batman” or real life tooth fairy. The idea a billionarie rich heir has your best interest in mind, or that he is going to “save free speech” is something only a frustrated manchild would believe, probably with the secret hope of some day becoming just as rich as him (Spoiler: Is not going to happen and he does NOT care about you or me. He probably is into minors, like his massive creep daddy)

Unless you are part of the Musk cult, this is going to come off as a rather weak waste of time.

Idk why they compare him to Tony stark

This movie was extremely boring. Elon is not a prophet or a savior to the technological world. He is given credit to things when he doesn’t deserve it. Most people don’t know he weaseled his way into tesla automotive. This might be a shock to his followers but he didn’t invent the tesla cars. He merely strong armed his way in with money and cause a rift within the original company to position himself for the leadership position. After he took hold of tesla, it was hundreds of actual engineers that worked/design and improved the cars to what they are now without elons self absorbed narrassasitic and over egoed self.