Frozen Sasquatch (2018)


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Frozen Sasquatch Movie Reviews

Construstive criticism for the movie production company.

Lets begin with the rescue party. They travel to the remote research base by SNOW-Cat. Not a bucket loader. Stock footage of a snow cat is available for a modest cost. The remote research base, accessable only by snow cat, would not be a multi-story building complete with cement sidewalks, central alarm system / fire extinguishers, recycling centers and vending machines. It would be made up of pre-fab construction–pole buildings, sheds and trailers. The dialog doesn’t flow at all and the story line doesn’t make sense. Take some screne writing classes. The special effexts are weak. Look at Tom Savini’s work to see how it’s done. Quick geography lesson, the Himalayas are a high altitude region without power lines or phone poles. Or for that matter forrests and flowering meadows. Location, Location, Location. Would it have hurt to hire some Pakastani imigrants to play the sherpas and yeti cult members ?

Dear God No!!!!!!

Yes, Dear God No, the title of yet another horrid “Sasquatch”movie that does perfectly describe my feelings for this. While this “movie” is nothing more than a nice huge steaming pile of Triceratops Poo, I would highly recommend this to aspiring filmmakers as a how not to make a movie.

Let me start with the thing I hate the most. Don’t lie to your audience! The “poster art” is nothing but one HUGE lie. Nothing on there, is in this!! Not even a Frozen Sasquatch!!!!

If you can’t shoot your film in a snowy location, DON’T SHOOT A MOVIE SET IN A SNOWY LOCATION!! Here are some titles that would have been better…… National Park Sasquatch……Orchard Sasquatch……Down and Out on Green Hills Sasquatch.

Did anyone do ANY research on the Himalayas? I’ve been there during their spring, and I promise you that you would not find rolling green hills where you would need to find a Yeti. Did you at least watch Expedition Unknown, Josh Gates has done several shows there, I’m just saying.

Props go out to Natalie, we didn’t get the Himalayan Mountains, but we did get hers. All joking aside, she was the only bright spot in this. The two male co-stars where more robotic than R5-D4.

Speaking of Star Wars, they should have opted for one of those $300 Chewbacca costumes.

I am an Amazon Prime member, so this is how I was able to view this. I’ve watched a lot of bad movie with Prime, a lot of bad Sasquatch movies. I hate to admit it, but Sexquatch was more entertaining than this.

Horrid yet humorous

From Himalayas that look more like my backyard than anywhere near Nepal to special effects that were dated a decade ago to a script and acting that was rejected from a bad video game, nearly everything about the film was done poorly. Scratch that- “poorly” is too kind a word.

But in that, we can find humor. It’s so bad, it’s good. If you like riffing films, this movie is a goldmine.