Saltwater (2016)

  • Year: 2016
  • Released: 18 Mar 2017
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: TV-14
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Scott Foy, Griff Furst, Jack Snyder
  • Director: A.B. Stone
  • Cast: Rachele Brooke Smith, Jeff Fahey, David Faustino
  • Keywords: mutation, san diego, california, shark attack, nuclear radiation, shark,
false% – Audience

Saltwater Storyline

A radioactive shark appears to be making bathers burst into flames. Even while people are eating at a local seafood restaurant , still No one believes what has been witnessed even as local lifeguards strive to keep people safe. So they band together with the last of the film crew to get real evidence as one by one they watch in horror as beach goers burst into flames, in and out of the water. Will they hunt the Atomic Shark and succeed? Will anyone live? Will the West Ciast go down in flames?—Movie Dude

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Saltwater Movie Reviews

Atomic sharks? Sure, why not…

And just when you thought you had seen every conceivable type of shark that Hollywood could spew out, then “Atomic Shark” comes to take a bite out of you. But let’s be honest, with a title such as “Atomic Shark”, then you know pretty much what kind of movie that you will be in for. And let me tell you right away, that this is exactly that kind of movie. No surprises there.

The special effects in “Atomic Shark” were as questionable as the title of the movie. The sharks were quite fake and so poorly animated that it was actually fun to watch. And that is one of the reasons why these cheesy creature features have that appeal, they are so poor that they are fun to watch. And “Atomic Shark” more than delivers on that account.

The story told in “Atomic Shark” is about a San Diego lifeguard with family problems whom discover that the waters of San Diego is the hunting ground for a particularly dangerous shark; a shark that has been exposed to atomic radiation.

Right, well the storyline was as to be expected; a no-brainer. The storyline was actually very generic as these movies tend to be, so there were no deviation from the ‘how-to-make-a-shark-creature-feature’ manual here.

What puzzled me in “Atomic Shark”, aside from the very plausibility of the entire concept of the shark and its existence, was the fact that Jeff Fahey starred in something like this. Aside from that, then it was actually a blast to see David Faustino here, I think I have only seen him in a single movie or so since he was on “Married With Children”.

“Atomic Shark” is another of those movies that you watch just because you have the chance, and because you know it is going to be another one of those low budget, awful special effects, movies that many watch but few talk about. There is nothing new to the genre to be found in “Atomic Shark”. We watch these movies because sometimes they might actually turn out to be surprisingly nice; “Atomic Shark” wasn’t one of those movies.

Just a dolphin.

Made for TV film. A mutated atomic shark emerges decades after Pacific Ocean bomb testing and irritates the water enthusiasts off the coast of San Diego. Life gaurd Gina (Rachele Brooke Smith) leads the attack against the red glowing CG shark. David Faustino plays a voyeur with a drone and Adam Ambruso is patterned after Niedermeyer. Science was really bad.

The film wasn’t designed to be serious. If you are making a bad campy film, you should put the same effort into it as if you are making a good film, such as Sharknado. They needed a little more effort on this one.

Very under-cooked toast on the coast

Low budget shark films generally do not get a good reputation and one can see why. There are a few guilty pleasure ones, like the first two ‘Sharknado’ films while not considering them great by any stretch. Most are just painfully amateurish with very little to them to set them apart or make them different, other than the odd silly idea not well executed.

The good news is for ‘Atomic Shark’ is that there are far worse shark films out there (those from SyFy and The Asylum are notorious in this regard) and at least there are redeeming values, even if not many. Something that cannot be said for too many other low-budget shark films, of the shark films seen recently ‘Atomic Shark’ is actually one of the least bad. The not so good news is that ‘Atomic Shark’ is still not a good film at all, with a lot wrong with it and the wrong elements are done poorly.

Jeff Fahey and David Faustino do conscientiously reasonable jobs with what they have. Generally, when it comes to low budget shark films the acting is surprisingly competent when it tends in most shark films to be all-round awful.

Scenery is nice and there are times where the shark action is fun to watch.

Unfortunately, that is only sporadic. The shark effects look terrible, even for low budget, and there is not much menace, suspense or fun in the mostly under-utilised and under-characterised shark action.

Much of ‘Atomic Shark’ is a mess of unintentional humour, awkward dialogue, stilted and mawkish melodrama and bland and annoying character writing (not the actors’ fault, it’s the writing). Complete with a story that is silly, implausible and essentially your basic more of the same generic low-budget shark film with nothing new.

It’s not just the shark effects that look cheap. Excepting the scenery, visually ‘Atomic Shark’ is very drab and rushed-looking.

Overall, silly and under-cooked. Not unwatchable but easily skip-able. 3/10 Bethany Cox