Cynthia (2018)


Cynthia Storyline

Cynthia is a horror film about the ‘perfect’ couple and their desperate obsession to have a child which descends into a terrifying dark comedy.

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Cynthia Movie Reviews

A return to the 70’s and 80’s VHS days of fun cheese ball comedy/horror.

Cynthia (2018) is reminiscent to the 1974 movie It’s Alive and it’s sequels.

The movie begins with a couple, Robin and Michael, trying desperately to have a baby. They are approaching 30 and have been trying for a few years, at great financial and emotional cost. Now using cheaper Asian substitute IVF and fertilisation drugs/injections the couple finally become pregnant.

A small issues leads to Robin needing a minor surgery to remove a cyst or tumour like mass, which leads to the viewer to understand that Robin is having some weird nightmares! To further complicate Robins life, she begins to think that Michael is having an affair, as Michael becomes more and more distant, coming home late.

The birth is a C-section, where a massive cyst is removed after the baby. Immediately we see whatever was within the cyst start to kill. We see through the eye of the creature, as it moves around, following Robin, Michael and their new baby Samantha home. (As the new family leaves the hospital, we here meet Bill Moseley’s brilliantly bizarre cameo character, Buttercup, as a homeless transvestite).

The murder of a visitor to the home, leads to Michael confessing that he is gay and is having an affair. After throwing Michael out, Robin falls asleep. Waking to find Samantha missing, Robin follows Samantha’s cries into the air conditioning ducting in the walls, where we find out what the cyst really was, a deformed child, Samantha’s twin, which Robin accepts lovingly.

Just days prior to the court case to determine custody, Michael returns to their home to find it a pigsty. Dirty nappies on the floor, dishes everywhere, Michael and his partner Randy, an Australian, have come for Samantha’s birthday party. We find Robin completely different to her former self. As Michael and Randy take photos to show the judge at the custody hearing they enter a baby’s room, however one that is absolutely filthy. As they search the room they come across Robin’s baby book, that talks of how Samantha and Cynthia have been progressing as infants. Robin locks them in, where they are attacked by Cynthia.

The ending is a bit disappointing, especially how Sid Haig’s character behaves with the kids when alone, but he gets what’s coming to him.

Reminiscent to movies like ‘It’s Alive, CHUD, and Critters’, this movie succeeds because of some very bizarre scenes of violence and insanity (such as Robin’s dream scenes, and the birthday party and fight in the ball pit), some terrific performances and lines of dialogue delivered perfectly by Randy (James WIlliam O’Halloran), Michael (Kyle Jones), Detective Edwards (Sid Haig), Robin’s sister Jane (Rebecca Marshall), and Buttercup (Bill Moseley), and the understated performance of Scout Taylor-Compton and her transformation from devoted spouse and mother to be, to a single mother of 2 who’d do anything to protect her children.

Fans of horror comedies will enjoy this movie, just remember this is not a traditional horror movie, rather a call back to the VHS days of cheap horror movies as silly escapism.

Great Movie, campy fun! (some mild spoilers)

Ok so this movie had everything in it: a great cast including multiple actors from Rob Zombie’s movies, gratuitousness sex scenes (you know that’s half the reason you watch horror movies!!) campy monsters, and really good funny scenes. What turned me on about the movie is that it is made by Girls & Corpses and one of the actresses in the film, this is her first mainstream movie, so that was what put it on the radar for me. Seeing Rufus from Devil’s Rejects, dressed like a homeless woman totally sold me on it however!!

This movie takes from the old school style of perspective of the creature, not letting you see what it really is until way later, which is a great way to build the suspense instead of blowing it super early. The acting was great, the movie didn’t feel cheap or low budget. I personally hope to see a lot more out of Girls & Corpses in the future!!

It’s Alive! A Pleasant Surprise.

I am going to give this a 9 out of 10. First of all I am a fan of Scout Taylor Compton, Sid Haig, & Bill Moseley. I’m not a fan of babies or children I admit so I didn’t expect to care for this. However, I loved it. Right from the beginning to the very end I was hooked. It was much better than I was expecting. There’s not too much gushy baby crap to bog it down. It really cuts to the punch of the comedy and horror value fairly nicely and well paced. Scout Taylor Compton was a great lead and this is one of her best new roles where she had a character who was a little more fleshed out than she has had in a little while now in horror and it was great to see her walk the tight rope of comedy satire and horror. It’s a genre hybrid she is a natural in. I loved the satire of the script, it gave you those dry bitter snicker kind of giggles where you know the writer’s sense of humor is vivid and wild yet somewhat restrained so that it’s compelling right off the bat. The acting was much better than I was expecting, with not too many weak links. You could tell this was a passion project and not just bad actors reading lines. It was a blessing that they mostly used practical creature effects for the title character, Cynthia. They did a lot of things right here. It is in the family of horror comedy that you seldom see anymore. It is FOR fans of horror comedy. It is not confused with it’s genre, and I’m glad the film was self aware enough to walk that tight line. It reminded me a bit of films in the vein of Basket Case (1982) It’s Alive (1974), Bad Milo (2013). I wish there had been more gore. There was certainly gore to be had, but had there been more over the top, it would have bounced this film to a whole new level in the genre. All in all a treat for fans of horror comedy or fans of the acting/directing trio involved. The end was a bit shaky and loses a little bit of that control it has in the beginning but not enough to damper the experience. I just wish the music during the cynthia bedroom scene was more audible and over the top in either an overly jokey terrifying way or a silly quirky way. And the Cynthia sound effects needed a bit more character, screeches or growls to make it all more intense. In other words i was expecting the end to become over the top madness, gore etc like the first half of the film was headed and it was slightly underwhelming instead, though still enjoyable. It would be a shame if the horror community doesn’t grab a hold of this and give it the recognition it deserves, so that is why I felt compelled to write a review. I actually hope there’s a sequel lol! And if the director or writer is reading this, take it all over the top. Let Cynthia evolve in to the agile fierce killing machine she deserves to be. Let this be more over the top like Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive baby scenes. Lol. You got this.