Maigret Maigret’s Dead Man (2016)

60% – Audience

Maigret Maigret’s Dead Man Storyline

Maigret’s officers are called upon to assist in the case of three vicious murders at farm houses in Picardy but Maigret is intrigued when a man phoning him to say he fears he is about to be killed and calling himself only ‘Nina’s husband’ is indeed found slain. A witness appeal identifies him as café owner Albert Rochain, whose killers seemed to be looking for something and by reopening the café Maigret attracts a suspect, Victor Poliensky, and can identify his accomplices, apparently connecting Albert to the Picardy killers. This is confirmed when a female gang member survives an attack by another of the killers, shot dead by Maigret. Ultimately a news paper advert results in a friend of Albert linking him to a gang of race course fixers, which in turn leads to the identity of the leader of the Picardy murderers, and the closure of the case.

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Maigret Maigret’s Dead Man Subtitles Download

Arabicsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Arabicsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-
Arabicsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Brazilian Portuguesesubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Croatiansubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Dutchsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Englishsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Englishsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Englishsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Frenchsubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p.BluRay.x264.
Greeksubtitle Maigret’s.Dead.Man.2016.720p-1080p.BluRay.x264-

Maigret Maigret’s Dead Man Movie Reviews

Above average Maigret entry with a very adequate and fitting Parisian atmosphere , though mostly shot in Hungary

Mystery, suspense, intrigue with terrific performance by Rowan Atkinson-Maigret investigating the identity of some ruthless and mean murderers , while plunging into the bloody Parisian underworld. As always, this film occurs in Paris, and surroundings , in Picardy , there happening a murder series. Maigret’s officers are the expert elite of the Brigade Criminelle at the Quay Des Orfevres , as they are called upon to assist in the case of three vicious murders , a slaughter carried out at farm houses in Picardy but Maigret is intrigued when a man phoning him to say he fears he is about to be murdered and calling himself only ‘Nina’s husband’ . Inspector Jules Maigret (Rowan Atkinson) sets out to hunt for a serial killer . Along the way Maigret is helped by his underlings (Inspector Janvier : Shaun Dingwall and Inspector LaPointe : Leo Staar , among them). In the meantime Maigret walking outside and taking his lit pipe out of his mouth . To help solve the murders Maigret leaving fake tracks and even as a decoy posing as a restaurant owner along with his wife Madame Maigret (Lucy Cohu) . By the way , discovering sartorial evidence against an allegedly guilty . Meanwhile , it’s developed a pursuit through the Paris slums , in order to chase the murderer . An elegant man is the main suspect, detective Maigret becomes extremely involved into investigation and pulls off a cat and mouse game with the killer . The obstinate inspector winds up pitting rival against each other in order to destroy him in a relentless chase .

This is an extraordinary and magnificent study in crime displaying thriller , tension , plot twists and being quite entertaining , though some moments result to be slow-moving . Here Maigret is called upon to lend its expertise in tracking down the cruel gang responsable of a massacre , as he is resolute in investigating the astonishing murders in Picardy and about an obscure anonymous Parisian, an investigation that ultimately links and solves both related crimes . Mysterious events , grisly killings , suspenseful happenings with awesome acting by Rowan Atkinson-Maigret investigating the murderer’s identity , and he even sets a trap to catch the murderer . The pace is good , alert , nimbly done .This movie is concise , sharp , practical , each actor is cut out for the part . Interesting and exciting battle of wits between the intelligent detective and a quirky villain. The story explores the dynamics of pathological behaviour and very much in the style of psychoanalytic descriptions fitting fairly to George Simenon novels . The camera-work is sleek , but what actually makes this film a major work is that the authors are true to the spirit of Simenon : peculiar roles tremendously affected into the deeps of human desperation , as the obstinate Maigret and murderers disillusioned with human nature and terrible with those who are victims . Casting is frankly outstanding . It stars the usual comical actor Rowan Atkinson , here he plays the character in such a vibrantly nuanced manner, as that of a man who is measured, but very engaged in walking the streets and getting into the nitty gritty of each case . Rowan Atkinson as stubborn detective is top-notch, the film benefits from a great interpretation : Atkinson gives life to his determined-serious-exhausted “commissaire” , he is finely accompanied by Lucy Cohu as Madame Maigret who plays subtly and with welcome restraint his loving wife , while John Light shines as the elegant but dangerous villian . Atkinson is perfectly cast as the world-weary Police Inspector who is pondering retirement when the re-emergence of a heinous nemesis – a serial-killer who kills and stabs to get his goals , at whatever means , and Maigret taunts him and back into action with a supremely clever plan to trap the murderer . It packs an awesome cinematography by cameraman Dirk Nel who shows splendidly the Paris streets , though mostly made in studios, and exteriors filmed on location in Szentendre , Budapest , Hungary (1950’s Paris) . The motion picture was allrightly directed by Jon East . He proves a past master at creating a stifling , murky atmosphere night scenes, a hot stormy weather, foggy streets , managing to make the tension rise and swell regularly until it explodes in a triple climax .

This Psychological Suspense story is based on George Simenon legendary detective , being one of the most-adapted Simenon stories . George Simenon’s Maigret has been adapted on several cinematic rendition and TV series . As Maigret was played by Basil Sidney ( The lost life,TV, 59) , Gino Cervi (Maigret in Pigalle, 67) , Rupert Davies (series from 60s) , Richard Harris (TV, 1988), Michael Gambon (TV,1993) , Sergio Castellitto (2004) . But specially by Jean Gavin who played ‘Maigret tend un piège’ (1958) , ‘Maigret and the St Fiacre case (59)’ , among others . In Hollywood was realized by Burguess Meredith ‘The man on the Eiffel tower’ (1949) with Charles Laughton as Maigret . And ¨Maigret sets a trap¨ (2016) with Rowan Atkinson , Luci Cohu , Shaun Dingwall , Fiona Lewis . Rating : Good , notable and worth watch checking out. The movie will appeal to Rowan Atkinson fans and intrigue lovers , as it contains a highly suspense.

Dead man stumbling

I’m now finally catching up on the Maigret series with Rowan Atkinson, and I’m watching them in order. I like the Parisian atmosphere projected, even though it was filmed in Hungary. No Mr. Bean here, with Rowan playing one of his most serious roles in his esteemed acting history.

John Light (the erstwhile husband of Neve Campbell) is very malevalent in his role as a con artist/murderer who tries to outwit Maigret.

I know some find the English accents jarring, with no attempt to speak or sound French! I wonder how French audiences responded to this series as they did with Allo, Allo. It would be kind of like English audiences watching the French do Midsomer Murders or The Sweeney.

A masterclass on how TV drama should be made.

A masterclass on how TV drama should be made.

Every camera angle is a painting and not a second is wasted.

(Take note, BBC… there is no need to insert noisy music, misplaced minorities and left wing ideology to make first class drama.)

This time, the second outing of the latest re-boot, Maigret (Rowan Atkinson) almost takes a back seat to the events and characters that surround him. It’s a low-energy drama that sees a heavy emphasis on characters and almost none on action.

Also, there isn’t much of a story to sink yourself into and unlike the Foyle mysteries, there doesn’t seem to be that slow crescendo of suspense that leads to a final act.

This style of drama probably won’t appeal much to many people under thirty years old!

But for me, this was a treat… the meticulous yet understated set details (the cars were old and dirty, NOT showroom new and shiny clean!), the disarming harmony between Maigret and Mrs Maigret, the music (which mostly stayed in the background where it should be)… it was British TV drama at it’s finest.

I hope that the team that went into this production stay together long enough to churn out a few more just like it. Merry Christmas, me!