Queen Pin (2010)

94% – Critics
94% – Audience

Queen Pin Storyline

The drug game is tough but Rhanni decides to pick up where her dead lover left off. While recruiting a solid team and implementing her plan she discovers she’s not the only game in town. Things get heated as Rhanni and her mystery rival fight to gain the upper hand.—Ginx

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Queen Pin Movie Reviews

I appreciate the EFFORT here…

This SUPER LOW BUDGET film had potential, despite the typical “hood” crime drama we have seen before. I could see what the director and writer was trying to accomplish, but if fell short. The problem was the audio, the acting and the script/dialogue(which may have been improvised)…if the ACTING was good the dialogue and audio could slightly be overlooked-slightly. Still there’s something cool about putting the effort to making a movie like this…no budget but what you have, using all your friends to make the dream happen despite the result. I was amused by the bad acting and curious to see how it would end despite how low budget it was. If you watch this take it for what it is..for some it may be so bad that it becomes good.

Please don’t make such movie

Pure rubbish! That is it, that is all! Disasterious writing, untalented actors, laughable scenes…they try to use some girls to lure people to watch this movie..it doesn’t work.. Long story short, try other movies!

This is my town

The film opens with some horrible first person narration to build a story. Queen Pin (Rhanni) becomes the mistress of a drug dealer. When he gets busted, she goes to jail for being a bad actress, a crime in Jacksonville. Once out she wants to build her “own organization” so she can start her own record label, although I couldn’t figure out why she needed her own record label. She spends her disposable income on clinging clothes that make her look chunky.

As a new drug dealer in town, she steps on the toes of the existing one. The writing was cliche and the dialogue was terrible. The actors couldn’t deliver their lines with any kind of realism. One of the guys had the nickname “Killer.” The only thing Gin X accomplished was to make 50 Cent look like a genius, and I didn’t think that was possible.

F-bombs, n-words, sex, no nudity.