Men in the Arena (2017)

100% – Audience

Men in the Arena Storyline

Two Somali soccer stars chase impossible dreams in this human rights story born out of civil war and terror.

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Men in the Arena Movie Reviews

Man in the Arena is about to Somalian National team soccer players who purse their dreams and they are driven to make a great impact for their country.

Man in the Arena is a sensational film that depicts reality of what some people go through. It shows how dreams can ultimately become reality with hard work and dedication. No matter how bad things may look at this moment, just think there are other people who are going through the exact same or worse struggles and they are continuing to make their life better even through the most difficult of times. This film depicts just that and some important life lessons can be taken away if you have an open mind. Saadiq didn’t have fancy cars, wasn’t rich, but he was content with himself. That’s what got Saadiq and his friend Sa’ad through the toughest of times when things were not going well. Finally, this film does a fantastic job in showing the past has gone and left it’s the mark. Now it is time for us to build the present and make a great impact that will forever be remembered.


This is a tale of Somali soccer teammates who overcome their hardships and never give up. It is a great film that shows no matter where you come from in the world if you work hard, your dreams can come true. The film covers both the political and economical stresses these players have to endure and focuses on two young men and the journey on which playing soccer takes them. It is a great film

A heartwarming and unique documentary about Somali National football players

In a cultural landscape dominated by images of war and suffering regarding Somalis and their plight, Men in the Arena flips the script. Instead, it follows the dreams of two Somali football players and their complex journey in achieving them. Somalia’s civil war and history serve as an important backdrop rather than a main focal point, in this very human portrait of two talented Somalis.