All Three of Us (2015)

false% – Audience

All Three of Us Storyline

Hibat Tabib and his wife Feresteh live in a small village in the South of Iran. They are young, full of life, idealistic and militate actively for democracy. They are not afraid to rise against two successive despots, the Shah first, and later on the Ayatollah Khomeini. In 1984, they are forced to flee their country with their son. After a long, difficult and dangerous journey they end up reaching France. They settle down in the Île-de-France region where, after a period of adjustment, they manage to integrate into the French social fabric, particularly by getting involved in the local community.—Guy Bellinger

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All Three of Us Movie Reviews

A tenderly moving comedy

Very nice film in two parts: first, in Iran during the Shah and Khomeini eras, then in the Paris suburbs, in France, in a ‘black blanc beur’ environment. The film rhymes with tenderness, benevolence and delicacy, behind a light tone. Cherry on the cake: it’s funny. The quartet Kheiron, Leila Bekhti, Gerard Darmon and Zabou Breitman is excellent!

Two adorable scenes, among so many others: 1) The official presentation of the future son-in-law to the parents. After a deafening silence, the father tries to initiate a Corleone-like conversation but the mother quickly gets him back on track: irresistible! 2) The silent telephone conversation between the father and his daughter: literally incredible but tenderly moving!

First movie, first hit ! Great and simple in its way

I’m not really into french movies in general (even if i’m french).

They are kind like excessive in their styles. Comedy are often “too much”, serious movies are like real life you’ll to watch (dramatic and boring) but THIS MOVIE have a really good balance.

Kheiron (the director) is known for his stand up performance and also for playing in the successful mini series : “Bref”

I wasn’t expecting much of it but a friend of mine advised me to give it a try. (saw it in a airplane)

The story is set in Iran during dictatorship (i don’t know or care much about geopolitics). With fun and seriousness, Kheiron introduce characters and their history that leads them to move from Iran to France. This is really a story about french “actual” population and their multicultural background (roots of the 2nd generations of migrants). All the parents have their stories and all sort of background that children don’t even know much about it.

Kheiron by this movie is giving consistency to his roots and by extent to a lots of people that relate to this kind of family history.

All say, the movie is entertaining, funny and dramatic all at once. And i hope that it will have the success that it deserve.

Two movies or nothing (paytv)

The first movie is set in Iran is about dissidence. Or maybe terrorists as the friends plot to overthrow the official government. Writing this in France in state of emergency, all this thing become a big headache : there is legitimate rebels and bad ones ? Who makes the difference ? Anyway this part reminds me of « love and shadows », especially with the mountain escape… But if Jenny’s movie stops there, this one goes on and this is the second movie !

This one is set in France in Parisian suburbs i know : Pierrefite, Stains. For a white, it’s indeed a pit slump ! Naturally, this part is about immigrants, integration, social work, scums, communitarianism, again topics we are fed up by medias in France ! At the end, this movie comes in a bad timing ! So i keep that the director has done a wonderful thanks for his parents (don’t skip the end credits) ; Leila and Darmon have never been as good and moving since a long time (wonderful phone scene)….