Smart Home Killer (2023)


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Smart Home Killer Movie Reviews

Good Lifetime movie!

This movie centers on a mother, Leah, and her high school daughter, Harper, who move into a beta smart home with an infrared camera security system and everything in the house is voice-activated by the AI software, named Soteria, and created by a mastermind electronics genius named Devon Carlo. He also has a romantic interest in Leah and is jealous of anyone who gets close to her or her daughter. That spells problems for his assistant, Wesley, who likes Harper but also knows how to program Soteria. When Wesley has a car accident, Leah gets suspicious that Devon may be behind it…. is she right? Supported by a good Canadian cast, this had a good, solid plot and is definitely recommended!!!

Meet Soteria and Stay Safe!!!

Leah Tomkins is the victim of a home intruder. In response, she moves into a home with a state-of-the-art security system named Soteria. The creator of the system is Devan Karloe, and his motto is “Stay Safe!” Unfortunately for Leah and her daughter Harper, she will not be safe, and the problem will be the security system.

Devan was that kind of Dr. Frankenstein who made an invention that could potentially change the world. The film explores interesting new technology. But the creature is not the invention here. Rather, the problem is with the complete psycho who invented it.

The film had the potential to probe into the truth about how as humans progress, human nature never changes. But the home stretch of the film turned into a routine horror show. It was especially disappointing that the likable character of Oscar, Leah’s old friend from college, met his horrific end in a steam room.

There were some good performances, especially from the actress playing Leah. But it was unfortunate that the filmmakers could not follow through effectively on a creative premise.