Count Magnus (2022)

  • Year: 2022
  • Released: 23 Dec 2022
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English, Swedish, Sign
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Drama, Horror
  • Runtime: 30 min
  • Writer: Mark Gatiss, M.R. James
  • Director: Mark Gatiss
  • Cast: Jason Watkins, MyAnna Buring, Max Bremer
  • Keywords: sweden, ghost story, based on short story,

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1080pweb519.68 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:1CFA5D27276A5F09E029A01EF40D551655414833

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Count Magnus Movie Reviews

Mildly diverting but not at all scary

Christmas 2022 once again sees the return of the BBC’s revived A Ghost Story for Christmas, once again written and directed by Mark Gatiss, and this year, it’s another adaptation of an M. R. James story, ‘Count Magnus’. Gatiss has been responsible for the last four episodes of the series, which have been somewhat variable – and unfortunately, ‘Count Magnus’ proves to be one of his weaker efforts.

‘Count Magnus’ is largely true to M. R. James’ original tale, which as in most of his ghost stories sees a middle waged white academic paying a terrible price for curiosity and – more importantly – scepticism. Jason Watkins plays Mr Wraxhall, who on a visit to Sweden becomes obsessed with the local legend of the evil Count Magnus, who treated the tenants of his land brutally and who – according to the legend – returned from a trip to the Holy Land with a decidedly unholy companion in tow. Wraxhall doesn’t believe the stories, but can’t resist visiting the Count’s mausoleum, where he inevitably disturbs something terrible.

The story is classic James, and boasts all of the usual ingredients of his ghost stories, but the problem lies in Gatiss’ retelling and – not for the first time – direction. Having seemingly learned from past mistakes with the previous year’s excellent ‘The Mezzotint’, here he seems to have slid backwards. On the plus side, the episode looks superficially impressive: according to Gatiss, Lawrence Gordon Clark never managed to make ‘Count Magnus’, since budgetary restrictions prevented a Swedish location shoot. Budgetary restrictions still don’t, so Gatiss’ version is filmed on location in the UK, which doubles for Sweden; this works perfectly well, and in true Clark fashion, Gatiss again uses the familiar folk horror trappings of a beautiful but strangely unsettling rural setting. Additionally, the episode is in essence a period drama, which both the BBC and Gatiss are accomplished at handling, and thus the sets and costumes all convince. But he fails to recapture the atmosphere of ‘The Mezzotint’: the story only manages to be slightly creepy during the last five minutes, and – aside from one slightly signposted jump scare during Nielsen’s tale – isn’t particularly scary.

The writing doesn’t help. Atonally, it’s a mess, and the script gives the impression that Gatiss seems to be attempting to resist writing deadpan humour and not quite succeeding, with a vague whiff of The League of Gentlemen at times, for example when Jamal Ajala’s mute footman Gustav communicates via charades. The script also slightly clumsily requires Wraxhall to talk to himself in expository fashion, which Watkins just about pulls off, although Watkins is part of the problem: he gives quite a hammy performance, especially during the last five minutes, when he is required to gibber with fear and instead starts gurning. MyAnna Buring meanwhile is worryingly arch as Froken de la Gardie, whilst as Nielsen, Max Bremer attempts to recount a spooky story in a suitable sombre tone, but sounds as though he’s building up to a hilarious punch line. Allan Cordner’s stern Deacon merely adds to the air of vaguely camp nonsense.

Far better at sombre tones is Krister Henriksson as the episode’s narrator, who in an addition to the original story by Gatiss turns out to be the undead Count, but this feels faintly absurd, much like the tentacle that waves menacingly at Wraxhall from the tomb. Overall, ‘Count Magnus’ makes for a mildly diverting half hour of spooky festive television, but anyone wanting a more chilling ghost story would be better off re-watching ‘The Mezzotint’, which serves as a reminder that Gatiss is capable of much better than this.

Totally misses the mark

Another disappointing M. R. James Christmas ghost story adaptation from Mark Gatiss, who is by now chalking up more misses than hits. This one’s an adaptation of a rarer story, which is commendable in itself, but it completely misses the mark and turns half an hour into a very dull experience indeed. It’s cheap-looking throughout, with producers simply raiding the BBC costume department and filming in a couple of rooms in a stately mansion, and the chills are diluted in favour of absolutely endless exposition. Yes, it’s a boring talkathon with one good scare in a flashback and absolutely nothing else going on. There’s no atmosphere or suspense, the actors are crying out for direction, and I wish Gatiss would call it a day now.

Zero atmosphere or imagination

As a lover of the annual English Christmas ghost story tradition, I was hoping for a lot more than what was actually served up to us with this 2022 Christmas ghost story treat.

Zero atmosphere, poor casting, dull predictable cinematography which lacked subtly and imagination, the Director stomps his way through this tale with as much presence as the omnipresent smoke machine which loyally pumps away in the background throughout most of the shots in this poor visual effort of a film. Please Mr Gatiss allow someone else to take on the next Christmas ghost story installment, or unfortunately this wonderful christmas tradition will die a unremarkable death. M. R. James will never forgive you.