Songs of Earth (2023)

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 01 Sep 2023
  • Country: Norway
  • Adwords: 1 win & 9 nominations
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Norwegian
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Documentary, Biography
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Margreth Olin
  • Director: Margreth Olin
  • Cast: Jørgen Mykløen, Magnhild Mykløen
  • Keywords: norway, nature, woman director,
100% – Critics
false% – Audience

Songs of Earth Storyline

Being connected to nature, what does it mean? Father knows and father shows. The director’s father is 84. We follow in his footsteps into the mountain home. Into nature’s smallest life and out to grand panoramas, where he grew up.

Songs of Earth Photos

Songs of Earth Torrents Download

720pbluray866.9 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:65A892827FFA0D7BA78F999FE6DA59E6B4E8B5BD
1080pbluray1.74 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:388B67FAD019CE4AB244AB35EAB3CB9273801F71

Songs of Earth Subtitles Download

Songs of Earth Movie Reviews

A spiritual film, cinematic to depict nature, sentimental to depict humans

Watching this film was a deep experience. The film is shot around the village of the director, Oldedalen Norway, which is situated in a valley of a beautiful fjord surrounded by breathtaking mountains at the edge of the glacier. The film is like walking in nature with a wise man whose family has lived in this valley for many generations, the man sharing generational wisdom throughout the walk.

The style of the direction gives the film a character that is “local” but also universal. Local because of the specific colours, sounds and scenery, but also universal because it touches upon aspects of nature that we recognize in all kinds of habitats on earth. Similarly, the film is both time-specific but also timeless. Time-specific as it goes through each season of the year, but also timeless as it conveys the message of life continuing from one generation to the next, despite difficulties. Finally, the film is both personal but also collective. Personal because it tells the story of the director’s parents (her father is the wise man that walks with you), but also collective because the story you hear touches upon aspects of life that resonate inside all of us.

The film cinematography is very original, taking you from drone to underwater views of the scenery, during different seasons of the year. The music score is geniously tailor-made to translate sounds of nature (waterfalls, wind, etc) to music delivered by classical instruments.

Have never reviewed a film in IMDB before, but in this case I just felt I had to, after reading an ignorant review by someone else here.

Beautiful depiction with double meanings

This incredible, unique and ever authentic documentary is definitely deserving of all its hype – it is indeed a very profound, low scale, yet massive achievement.

It is a celebration of nature, yet at the same time a celebration of life – all conveyed in a slow, somewhat cozy pacing to exception.

It is expertly cut and edited, and the cinematography and imagery can not be overstated in how incredible it is. The film features some truly beautiful images and scenery, very beautifully put together, to say the least.

Overall, truly an incredible film and an achievement that puts forth the joys of life and nature splendidly! Highly recommended.


This is a deeply personal take on nature, family, and life itself. I have never seen anything like this before. I would award it all the Oscars there are, but it is, somehow, far more than that. It’s beauty is astonishing and spectacular to a point you can’t normally reach. What pictures you see here are beyond comprehension. All that embedded into a family story, so light, so fine, so easily weaved into the film like Buddha levitating above water. Profoundly personal yet, at the same time, impersonal. With a score 11 out of 10, editing 11 out of 10, it is way the best documentary / biography I have ever seen in my life. (I’m 53, so I’ve seen plenty.) I have no any connection with any of its staff but say: Margreth Olin 20/10. I wish I knew you.