The Marine 3: Homefront (2013)

34% – Critics
34% – Audience

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The Marine 3: Homefront Movie Reviews


This film is grossly formulaic with bad acting. It has the lame soundtrack and writing of a Lifetime film. Jake (Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin) is home on 2 weeks leave in the small town of Bridgetown, Washington. He stays with his two sisters, doesn’t approve of their boyfriends and has a hard time controlling himself to the dismay of family and friends. For a Marine, he needs a haircut.

Meanwhile, Jonah Pope (Neal McDonough) is a bad guy who has a grudge against the system. Being raked over by the stock market, banks, and health insurance companies, Jonah devises a plan of revenge in the city of Seattle. During an arms deal, Jake’s sister Lily (Ashley Bell) and her “not a loser” boyfriend (Jeffrey Ballard) get taken as hostages as they witness a crime.

The FBI is apparently helpless to save the hostages and the city of Seattle, only a Marine can do that.

The script was written very badly. I can’t fault the actors for trying. The political speech made by Jonah was unbelievably phony. This is for fans of the combination of Steven Seagal, Marines, anarchists, and after school specials.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.

Regarding to the previous two movies, this one is really sucks.

It wasted me 1.5 hours in my life…sucks. My wife said so too. I watched this one because the previous two ones were good. Unfortunately this one is really sucks. I’m not saying the actor was bad but the story is terrible. I could saw the end when I watched it for 20 minutes. Basically it’s a no brain movie. Jeez I don’t know why I’m still wasting more time for writing this comment. Maybe just because I feel sorry for the one. I guess there will be no v4.0. event die hard had 4.0 and not too bad. I think I got to review the DVDs of the previous two ones. I think the requirement as the minimum length for reviews must be at least 10 lines of text is unreasonable because the only thing I wanted to say about this movie is, sucks.

WWE Marine 3 takes another bomb to its face.

WWE Studios’ latest direct-to-DVD just blew up in the producers face. If you haven’t saw the Marine 3; don’t worry, it follows the same plot as the Marine 1, and Marine 2. Rather than having the Marine character’s wife or girlfriend being stolen, we get the Marine’s sister being taken this time. How recycled. The writers didn’t even bother with giving the Marine a good name, they just ripped off the name of an Indy wrestler that looks like the semi popular wrestler who playing the Marine. I wouldn’t say that Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin is best all-around wrestler. He’s moves awkwardly in the ring, and delivers moves not so sound. Its shows in the action scenes here. Also he doesn’t have the mic skills to make himself likable and the writers don’t do any favors as most of the scenes he is before the kidnapping makes him look like an ass. At less, he is better than WWE first choice to star, Randy Orton was set to star as the lead role in the film. I don’t think it would be wise to have a ex-marine turn wrestler who went awol to start in a movie about a Marine. I would said that Miz was at less, better than John Cena and Ted Dibiase Jr who play the Marine in previous films. Sergeant Jake Carter (Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin) of the Marine Corps’ Special Operations unit has just return home to his small rural town after a dangerous covert mission in Central America that never shown up in the film nor does it show the Miz in action. What is shown is stock footage of combat that looks more like Afghanistan or a desert setting than Central America finish off with a shot of the America Flag. I really think its unused footage from the two previous films. He’s looking forward to spending quality time with his two sisters, Amanda (Camille Sullivan) and Lilly (Ashley Bell). Why on earth does Jake offer booze to Lilly’s boyfriend when he is driving? Anyways, the boyfriend and Lilly is captured by Jonas Pope (Neal McDonough) when Lilly and boyfriend happen to be near a weapon deal went wrong. It’s really out of place. Anyways it’s sad to see Neal McDonough in a straight to DVD movie because he was a pretty fine actor who start in good movies and shows like Band in Brothers, Minority Report and Captain America. If anybody delivered in this film, it was him. He made me believe that he was a former college professor turned extremist determined to unleash an elaborate terrorist attack on American soil due to the fact that he lost everything due to the economy and hate greedy corporation America. You can’t help side with the villain with this. Sadly, that’s what wrong with the film. If the villain makes more sense than the hero’s actions. People will tend to agree with his views. I guess he was also a huge Dark Knight fan because he rob a bank, only to set it on fire AKA Joker like. Epic. The bankrupt music is very similar to the music that play in the Dark Knight’s bankrupt, by the way. It’s just annoying to see that. Also what awful plastic masks they are wearing during the bank heist, were they really thinking that clear plastic was going to hide their identify. Idiots. The action scenes are just not that good, but one is OK. The one on the ship, hand to hand combat. I didn’t like the pointless bar action scene that never talk about again. The editing to the woods fight is bad. It seems like we was teleporting from place to place like he was Nightcrawler or something. He looks and reminds me of Tim from Braid. I have to rewind the movie a bit to figure out how he move from one place to another so quickly. At less, there wasn’t any cheesy one liners from him throughout those scenes. It’s not like the SWAT or police are helping him. Films like this makes these highly trained SWAT and police looks like idiots compare to the military. They get eliminated like Red Shirts against non-combat domestic terrorists. I think most people hate the cops in a way that action movies like to portray them negatively. It’s only for military to patrol another country’s street, but don’t patrol mine, unless I need you. That kind of thinking is so wrong. Excuse me, but SWAT is just as skill as a member of a Marine Corp. Plus, a many amount of ex- Marines go into police service after serving their nation. At less, the movie only has one big explosion rather than the orgy of explosions in the first Marine. This movie wasn’t too bad. Worth renting, but not buying.