Beer Is Cheaper Than Therapy (2011)


Beer Is Cheaper Than Therapy Storyline

This documentary looks for an answer to the question of why the number of suicides among young American veterans and soldiers of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is so frighteningly high. The filmmakers traveled to Killeen, Texas, home of Fort Hood – the largest Army base in the United States where last year, 19 soldiers committed suicide. The kaleidoscopic film consists of interviews with soldiers and family members, sometimes anonymous, who are heard in voice-over while we see close-ups of soldiers in a tattoo shop, heads being shaved at a barbershop and young boys partying before deployment. Signs that read “We support our troops” and “Welcome home, heroes” stand in stark contrast to the reality described by the soldiers.

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Beer Is Cheaper Than Therapy Movie Reviews

A Good Attempt To Make People Aware Of Something The US Government And Military Want Nothing To Do With!

The 2 reviews, “Completely Inaccurate” and “Why is it called a documentary” are perfect examples of just how ignorant people can be; especially Americans who just cannot accept anyone saying anything bad about their country…not all but most Americans anyway!

This did a very good example of getting straight to the point of the US military’s role of discarding their enlisted men, and women, as though they are used rubbish! It is mentioned (and its a fact that has actually been said) that enlisted military people are products, NOT people, who are totally owned by the military hierarchy – aka the top brass upward to the Commander in Chief…the President! It talks to the soldiers only because its what they feel that the makers wanted to get out to the non military people of America etc. There was no place for the health care organizations (that has been done and gotten nowhere for anybody) because this was about personal PTSD of the individual and, how they were being abused, ridiculed and discarded by the same people who begged them to sign up and fight/die for their misguided beliefs in a uncaring country!

This is a program that should be shown in schools as, it would inform kids that their wanna be a hero attitudes are childish stupidity. It also makes a good way of showing how the best country in the world belief is a load of absolute crap. Its what has caused its own people all the problems they have. All the so called built on honour etc is a complete lie and lies eventually get revealed.

Its 2022 as I make this review and the sad thing is that, Vietnam is no longer the longest war America has been involved in and the PTSD problems of soldiers of then and now have still not been resolved.

A Must see and NEED To SEE Documentary!

Why is it called documentary.

Some Dutch people go to Texas and try to make something for the next class. I hope these first year students at least learned how to operate a camera and sound equipment. I have students doing the job much better, and they are 16-17 years old. On top of that they really shamefully want to make living on an interesting topic. Have they learned something in the end?

Completely Inaccurate

The director does a VERY poor job trying to bring to light such a complex issue. Where were the healthcare provider interviews? None. They spoke with a “soldier”, whose face wasn’t shown, and he said “I killed a lot of people with those things.” As he kicks a box of fake grenades. Then he says he was a sniper in Iraq and his “commanding officer” told him to “take the shot” on a woman holding a child. Come on. That dude probably wasn’t in the military and you interviewed him. No “commanding officer” is going to tell you to “take the shot” on a woman and her child. I’m sorry, but this documentary is REALLY cringe. Like bad.