A Million Miles Away (2023)

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 15 Sep 2023
  • Country: Mexico, United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21940010/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/a_million_miles_away
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: PG
  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 121 min
  • Writer: Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez, Alejandra Márquez Abella
  • Director: Alejandra Márquez Abella
  • Cast: Michael Peña, Rosa Salazar, Julio Cesar Cedillo
  • Keywords: underdog, based on novel or book, nasa, based on true story, astronaut, mexican american,

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A Million Miles Away Movie Reviews

By far the Best movie I’ve seen in a while!

This movie quickly attracted my attention and didn’t let go! An excellent combination of true to life characters! Michael Pena did an outstanding job as Jose, as did Rosa Salazar. Although Bobby Soto, Beto’s, part was small, his contribution made the story flow smoothly. The writers also deserve a Lot of Credit, the emotion that I felt was at times was very moving. I also loved the comedy built in to it. Jose’s perseverance and Love of his roots along with the plight of the Farm Works that comes to the forefront. I expect this movie to get world wide attention, as it is a large part of Americana!

Excellent biopic

This movie captivated me from start to finish with its impeccable writing and flawless acting, a feat that extended even to the talented child actors. It took me on a profound emotional journey, guiding me through the labyrinth of childhood dreams and the exhilarating highs of aspirational success. Yet, amidst its brilliance, a few moments of large temporal leaps left me pondering unanswered questions.

One aspect that left me both intrigued and slightly puzzled were the glitter-titled transitions used throughout the film. These shimmering interludes seemed to symbolize pivotal shifts in the characters’ lives, though their precise significance eluded me. Nevertheless, these transitions added a unique and visually captivating element to the storytelling.

Despite these minor quibbles, the movie remained thoroughly engaging. It expertly weaved together complex narratives and character arcs, pulling at the heartstrings and sparking introspection. The performances, from the seasoned cast to the talented youngsters, were nothing short of extraordinary. They breathed life into their roles, making the characters feel like old friends.

In conclusion, this film is a testament to the power of storytelling when executed with finesse and complemented by remarkable acting. While a few enigmatic moments may leave you with questions, the overall experience is a memorable and emotionally charged journey that will resonate with audiences long after the credits roll.

on the way up

Greetings again from the darkness. A tongue-in-cheek note just prior to the closing credits provide us with one final smile: “Jose is the first migrant farmworker to have traveled to space.” This footnote encapsulates what this biopic is all about – dreams, commitment, sacrifice, and overcoming obstacles. Writer-director Alejandra Marquez Abella and co-writers Bettina Gilois and Hernan Jimenez adapted this from Jose Hernandez’s memoir, “Reaching for the Stars: The Inspiring Story of a Migrant Farmworker Turned Astronaut”, creating a wonderful (and yes, inspirational) viewing experience for the entire family. In fact, it’s the perfect selection for family movie night (other than the youngest kids who won’t understand the themes).

Superb character actor Michael Pena (the underrated END OF WATCH, 2012) takes the lead as Jose Hernandez, who grew up in a family of migrant farmworkers bouncing from town to town for harvesting work in the fields. Even as a child, Jose worked alongside his family whenever he wasn’t in school. And it was one teacher in particular who went above and beyond to change the trajectory of Jose’s life. Recognizing his potential, and his dream of going to space, the teacher spoke with respect to his parents in terms that made sense. Her actions, along with Jose’s dad passing along his recipe for success … the five ingredients serve as chapters in the film … allowed Jose to passionately pursue his dreams.

Along the way, Jose met and married Adela (Rosa Salazar, ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, 2019), and the two began a partnership and a family … a large family. The theme of family is present throughout Jose’s story, as support and sacrifice are necessary at every step. We see group hugs in good times and bad. We see doses of reality when needed, and we learn that “tenacity is a superpower” as Jose begins his years-long pursuit of being accepted into NASA – a goal he achieved after eleven letters of regret.

Everyone faces obstacles, and some are greater than others. What sets some folks apart is their motivation to continue the pursuit. Perhaps words of wisdom from a parent or spouse hits at just the right time, or maybe it’s that one teacher who inspires a “can do” approach with a response to the “When I grow up …” essay assignment. Whatever else is involved, we recognize the tenacity that Jose displayed, and this film will likely inspire others to follow their own dreams. Supporting roles are played well by Julio Cesar Cedillo and Veronica Falcon as Jose’s parents, Garret Dillahunt and Sarayu Blue as astronauts, and Bobby Soto as a special cousin. Pena flashes the charm and likability to become the hero we admire, and director Abella eschews the cliches expected from such a story. The actual clips and photos at the end only add to this heartwarming movie perfectly suited to family movie night.

Premiers on Prime Video on September 15, 2023.