North America (2013)


North America Storyline

Sweeping across some of the most diverse landscapes on the planet, North America takes viewers from the silent grandeur of lofty snowcapped peaks to fertile forests and dramatic windswept coasts. The continent’s unique geography creates some of the most extreme weather on the planet. Wild animals living in these astonishing and sometimes brutal habitats must be fiercely resilient sharing that human spirit the continent is known for. From jaguars to spinner sharks, wolves that fish to wolverines high in the mountains, this is North America.

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North America Movie Reviews

Nice to look at ,but in the end MEDIOCRE!

North America is an other one of the documentary about the corners of the world in which wild life does its thing and the inhabitants try to survive. To be honest I have seen more or less a dozen of this type of documentaries and see one more I was thinking ” The faction of that is out and the documentary number 17 is unnecessary and what has more to give?”. It was fine ,but didn’t give me something I didn’t already know.

For starter I have been watching wild life series since I was nine years old ,so I can say that I know well these series. North America just show you the creatures of the wild west (wow what a twist) ,again the California coast and the Midwest. Although the series isn’t badly made or be offending to the audience the fact it doesn’t try to be original just gives me a dejavou filling yet again. That is tiring and frankly why eat again pizza when I have eaten every combination imagine?

If you like it ,fine I don’t blame you it is an entertaining documentary and the images showed are good looking. My problem is it doesn’t give something new and that’s an issue with the majority of the documentaries nowadays ,it seem, they have been out of content and they just give you the same things again about WW2, Dinosaurs, Vietnam, Irak , Rome, WW1, Inventions, China and so on.

In the end as said by Immortal Joe himself :” Mediocre!” ,no originally is a sign a laziness on the creatures part and I want to see new content for ones ,I crave it since 2013. Three whole years, even if you aren’t an expert ,you can get that the documentary genre is stagnating.

Tom Selleck’s narration has ruined this.

From the first episode I found the narration of this series slightly irritating. Excuse my European point of view, but after watching numerous other nature series (mostly by David Attenborough) I was really disappointed with the level of ignorance and misplaced pseudo-nationalism here. Granted, officially the series is about North America as a continent and not about the USA as a country, but every time the narrator said ” ‘Murica…” I couldn’t help but feel the narrator wanted to convey his pride of the U.S.A. ‘Muricans are tough, and so are it’s animals — or something like that. I really felt disgusted how they managed to turn an otherwise beautiful nature series into what felt like right wing propaganda 101. How do you turn footage of a rodent gathering flowers to survive winter into a piece of right-wing propaganda? Watch “North America”, and Tom Selleck will show you!

Halfway through the second episode I found myself thinking: seriously, if that guy is going to mention “only the strongest/toughest” one more time, I think I’m gonna break something.

After a quick Google search I found that the series is narrated by Tom Selleck, who in completely unrelated news is a right-wing NRA-member, and I found myself thinking: geee…. why the heck am I not surprised?

Not only do his cheesy one-liners give you an atmosphere of misplaced nationalism that really doesn’t belong in a series about a subject so politically neutral as ‘wildlife’; it is also filled with blatant lies. “Only the toughest survive.” …? and “Only the strongest deserve the right to call ‘Murica HOME.” …? Apparently someone did an excellent job at misunderstanding how nature works, and raping Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” at the same time. For those of you who don’t know: FYI, that is NOT what “survival of the fittest” means, or in any case not how modern day biologists would explain evolution or the way competition and survival in nature work. Not EVERYTHING in nature is about strength, toughness, physical power, or even absurd notions such as “courage”.

Because the way the narrator ‘personifies’ animals with human character traits is another thing that started to irritate me more and more. Seriously, couldn’t they have found a narrator who could bring a little more scientific neutrality into this? This kind of human projection on a ‘tough’ animal of your liking, is the kind of propaganda that would put the USSR to shame. The fact that the USA has chosen the bald eagle as it’s symbol, does NOT mean that the bald eagle also chose America as it’s home because it liked that particular country’s “tough guy” image. But that is the kind of bullshit thing that you constantly get the feeling Tom Selleck wants to make you believe.

Newsflash: other countries in the world are ALSO home to supposedly ‘tough’ animals like mountain goats, eagles, bears, etc. But Tom Selleck wants you to believe that the ‘magnificent’ continent of North America is the only place where these “champions of nature” live, and so much as makes the claim that North America is the toughest natural environment on earth, which creates the toughest animals anywhere. While I think that claim is highly debatable, most of all I think: what a disgusting thing to turn a nature show into a schoolyard ‘toughness’ contest.

Instead of using nature to teach people as a species some humbleness, here it is used the opposite way and nature is abused as the supposed background that your imaginary god must have created to illustrate (North American) people’s awesomeness? If you think I am exaggerating, watch two episodes of this series and see what you think of the commentary…

The imagery is beautiful, and the things you see are of course value- free; they are factual things that are actually happening in nature, simply captured on film for us to see. But the narrator does a perfect job of showing how a little narration can steer this value-free content into a certain direction. His narration forces you into a stunningly one-dimensional understanding of nature. And that may be the greatest flaw of all in this series that would otherwise be a beautiful and educational show.

So purely based on the stunning footage, I would give this show an 8 out of 10, but because of the way the narration ruins the entire thing, I really can’t give it more than a 6. If you really want to learn something while you are looking at stunning imagery (instead of loosing 5 IQ points with every episode), I would recommend watching something from David Attenborough’s huge oeuvre.

Very good, but needs more continental view besides USA

For a series called North America, it seemed too focused to the US market and called some places that were Canadian, American, and some Canadian inhabitants, American. I’d like to see a more continental and balanced viewpoint in some terminology in the narration. OK, that’s my only gripe really here.

Photography and production were first rate and I do recommend this. Shows of this calibre deserves a good reception because we need to see more stuff like this and take better pride of our great continent. The BBC sets the benchmark for this type of documentary, but this is a very worthy contender and I will definitely be watching all of this series. The cinematography is stunning and it’s a definite must see.