The Girl (2012)


The Girl Storyline

When Grace Kelly retires from movies to marry Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, Sir Alfred Hitchcock (Toby Jones) looks for a similar blonde and finds her in a television model. The little known Tippi Hedren (Sienna Miller), who will star in his movie adaptation of horror story “The Birds”. Hitchcock is obsessed with Tippi sexually, and when she rebuffs his advances, sadistically puts her through five days of filming where she is attacked and injured by real birds. Hitchcock’s wife Alma (Imelda Staunton) and his assistant Peggy Robertson (Dame Penelope Wilton) are appalled, but can do nothing. Tippi is resolved that she will not give in to Hitchcock despite the situation giving her nightmares. Hitchcock and Tippi make a second movie, Marnie (1964). Having admitted that Alma is the only woman with whom he has ever had sex, and that he now finds her cold, Hitchcock continues to pursue Tippi, bombarding her with phone calls declaring his love for her, yet reminding her that he alone made her famous and she owes him. At this stage, Tippi demands that her contract be terminated and they never worked together again.—don @ minifie-1

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Englishsubtitle The Girl 2012 (UNRATED) 720p WEB-DL H264-HD4FUN
Englishsubtitle The Girl 2012 (UNRATED) 720p WEB-DL H264-HD4FUN
Farsi/Persiansubtitle The.Girl.2012.UNRATED.720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264HD4FUN
Farsi/Persiansubtitle The Girl (2012) 720.BluRay

The Girl Movie Reviews

fairly tedious

Despite wonderful performances by Toby Jones and Sienna Miller, “The Girl,” purporting to be the story of Hitchcock’s obsession with Tippi Hedren, was tough going.

I’m getting a little tired of reading on the message board that Tippi Hedren “needed the money.” I guess I’m unclear as to how she’s cashed in on this story. Did she write the book? The screenplay? She gets a “thanks” in the credits. I have a thanks on a film’s credit and I didn’t get a cent. If she acted as a consultant, I doubt for a TV movie it would help her wildlife preserve much.

Hitchcock fans know several things: filming “The Birds” was a miserable experience for Hedren; Alfred Hitchcock was a brilliant, complicated man who probably had some sexual hangups; and Alfred Hitchcock had fallen for other leading ladies. However, those leading ladies remained friends with him (Bergman and Kelly) so one wonders if the way he is depicted in this film is correct. If someone tried to ram his tongue down my throat or recited dirty limericks to me or asked me to touch him, I’d have gone running.

The screenplay was criticized by one of the people who worked on the film and was interviewed, so you already know it’s sensationalized.

In this version, Hitchcock falls for Tippi Hedren and makes her life a living hell after she rejects him. I have no idea if this happened or not. Toby Jones has again proved his gifts as a mimic – his Hitchcock is perfection, just as his Capote was. Sienna Miller is beautiful and strangely resembles Janet Leigh in this film! She did a good job playing a vapid actress.

The problem with the film is that it’s skewed toward Hedren instead of telling a story in a balanced manner. The second problem is that even at 90 minutes it’s too long with scene after scene of Tippi sighing over her bad treatment or someone commiserating with her over her bad treatment and scene after scene of Hitchcock staring at her and then plotting another way to torture her.

I had the pleasure of transcribing interviews that Donald Spoto did on his important book on Alfred Hitchcock, The Dark Side of Genius. I can testify that he worked for years on this book and left no stone unturned. I remember one part of the book, where Hitchcock is through with Hedren as an actress, saying, “She did the unimaginable — she mentioned my WEIGHT.” They didn’t get along, that’s evident. Hitchcock here is presented as a sicko whack job. Were that the case, he wouldn’t have had so many people — so many women — working with him over and over again, which they did.

I suggest to people that if they want to know the whole story that they read Spoto’s two books, Spellbound, about Hitchcock and his leading ladies, and The Dark Side of Genius. He is given to psychobabble but believe me, it’s more interesting material than this. And if any of this is in his writing, you can believe it.

We are to believe in this movie that Hitchcock was hurtful and insulting to everyone, that he tortured, threw himself at, and belittled Tippi Hedren to such an extent that she made a second film with him. Yeah, that’s what I would have done.

I’m guessing there might be a little more to this story that would possibly not present Ms. Hedren in the best light. I admire her very much for her work on her wildlife preserve, and in interviews, she always comes across as a lovely woman. That doesn’t mean she is as shown in this film.

Hitchcock had his demons. Somehow Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Teresa Wright, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, and Barbara Harris got through it. Granted, they didn’t have birds attacking them. They did, however, admire the genius behind the films.

Getting Hitched

Wow! Is that really what happened? In many biographies about Alfred Hitchcock, the most Tippi Hedren ever said about the incident when Alfred Hitchcock supposedly propositioned her was, “Demands were made of me that I could not acquiesce to.” But in “The Girl”, Toby Jones’ Hitchcock puts it right out there when he says to Sienna Miller’s Tippi Hedren, “From now on, I want you to make yourself sexually available to me at all times. Whatever I want you to do, whenever I want you to do it.”

Possibly it happened that way, Tippi Hedren seems to have been consulted by the filmmakers. My feeling is that where there was that much smoke there had to be fire, but just how fair is “The Girl”?

The movie is nothing less than interesting. Toby Jones is amazing, and Sienna Miller more than holds her own, but opinion over the film is divided. On one side are those outraged that Hitchcock’s reputation has been besmirched without a chance to defend himself, while on the other are those outraged at what Hitchcock appears to have done to Tippi Hedren.

“The Girl” relates how Alfred Hitchcock groomed the inexperienced Hedren to star in “The Birds” and “Marnie”. During the process, Hitchcock changed from mentor to monster becoming totally obsessed with her. Eventually he made an overt sexual advance. She refused and that was the end of the relationship.

One scene in “The Girl” does undermine it. It’s the somewhat salacious screen test where Hitchcock asks Hedren to give Martin Balsam a long lingering kiss. Unfortunately for the makers of “The Girl”, the actual test clip is fairly well known from documentaries and YouTube, and is a lot less threatening than the recreation. In reality, Balsam and Hedren actually seem quite comfortable with each other. It was silly to overdo a scene that is so accessible; it leaves you wondering how much over-egging went on with the rest of the custard.

The difference between Hedren and Hitchcock’s other leading ladies was that they were better able to handle him. Most were established stars, surrounded by husbands, boyfriends and agents, but Hedren didn’t have all that; she was just starting out and was far more vulnerable.

According to some sources, it was about this time that Hitchcock’s judgement also seemed to be slipping. The suppressed voyeuristic tendencies and fantasies that helped inform his great films were taking on a harder edge. He now wanted to be explicit in what he showed.

Up until then, the Motion Picture Production Code kept him in check. Would films like “Rear Window”, “Vertigo” or even “Psycho” be the enduring classics they are today if Hitchcock had been allowed to go all the way? The censor made him innovative and subtle. However, by the late 60’s the Code was gone. No one ever ranks 1972’s “Frenzy” among his greatest movies; plenty of rape and nudity on display there. Fortunately he never made “Kaleidoscope”; with what he had planned, it could have been a real legend killer.

As far as “The Girl” is concerned, maybe it’s best to just enjoy the show. Toby Jones’ Hitchcock is even better than his Truman Capote, genius really, the voice is perfect, and Sienna Miller is so beautiful that you can believe that a fat, old auteur could harbour a fantasy or two about her. But maybe the last words on the subject could be the classic line Hitchcock once directed at an actor who was getting a bit too worked up about things, “Don’t worry, it’s only a movie”.

interesting movie that has generated disturbing criticisms

The Girl is an interesting movie about Hitchcock’s obsession with Tippi Hedren as they made two movies together. It’s stylishly made, with good performances. It is focused very much on Hitchcock’s cruelty to Hedren.

My main objection to this movie is that its focus makes it rather unbalanced. Hedren herself says this. She says working with Hitchcock was great at first, and while the movie portrays her as dealing with one indignity after another, she says this was only really a problem toward the end of Marnie. It might have been interesting to see more of Hitchock’s process – I liked the scene where he helps her work on her lines – but it’s a short movie and they had a story to tell.

What is more interesting than the movie is its detractors here. While some people just don’t find The Girl interesting, the vast majority seem to dislike it because they don’t believe it. Some reviews will even say they’re not invested in Hitchcock’s reputation, but then follow it up by saying they don’t believe this happened.

First off, the movie is based on information from a book by a respected biography writer, based on what he was told by both Hedren and those who worked with her. And Hitchcock was certainly a dark, obsessive, and sometimes cruel (witness his vicious “practical jokes”) person. His movies are about obsessions and cruelty, so it would hardly be surprising if he acted poorly with his actress.

Yet, many of the movie’s critics express outrage that Hitchcock’s name is being besmirched. They say Hedren lied; that she is just trying to scapegoat Hitchcock for her lack of major successes after the Hitchcock films. They say she couldn’t act. They say she should have been grateful that Hitchcock gave her a career.

There is a phrase I don’t like, because it sounds extremist and harsh and overly politically correct, but that I increasingly realize accurately describes something, and that is “rape culture,” the idea that sexual harassment and attacks on women are so ingrained in our society that they aren’t even seen as abnormal. The reactions to this movie seem to me examples of this. What is the difference between saying Hedren lied about Hitchcock and the claims that a woman lies about being raped? What does her acting ability have to do with anything? (And what are people basing their assessment on? I suspect most of us have only seen her in two movies, made by a director who got exactly the performances he wanted from his actors).

Many people are saying,essentially, “he didn’t do it, and if he did do it, she deserved it.”

Look, I understand that people feel a need to defend great artists, but many great artists are not especially great people. That’s inevitable; art often comes from a strange place. Don’t attack the victim because you think the aggressor was a cool dude.