Underground (2011)

45% – Audience

Underground Storyline

A group of friends fight for their lives against the lethal and ravenous creatures lurking beneath the Earth’s surface. The group finds themselves at the mercy of creatures genetically engineered by the military to be expendable in battle. Though they fought countless battles in Iraq, these friends never knew real fear until they went underground.

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Brazilian Portuguesesubtitle Underground
Chinesesubtitle Underground
Chinesesubtitle Underground
Chinesesubtitle Underground
Englishsubtitle Underground
Englishsubtitle Underground
Greeksubtitle Underground
Spanishsubtitle Underground

Underground Movie Reviews

Rip-off of The Descent

Neil Marshall’s THE DESCENT was a fine stab at a survival horror yarn, featuring some excellent locations (those dank and dismal caves were a perfect backdrop for the scares) and a race of nasty villains who seemed to be descended from Gollum. UNDERGROUND is a cheap and nasty American version of the above, with the setting swapped to an underground military bunker.

Unfortunately, UNDERGROUND has much in common with modern-day B-movies as it’s the kind of film you watch and mildly enjoy in places, but soon forget about once the credits roll. The script and production values of this film are poor, with much of the running time consisting of too much repetitive wandering around in semi-darkness. Needless to say the characters are bland and undistinguished, with nobody to root for.

The monsters in the film are passable, and I enjoyed the couple of fight scenes that we get here and there (the choreography isn’t too shabby). As with many B-movies, the gore content is ramped up to compensate for failings elsewhere, and there are a couple of great gags involving eyeball violence and a twist on the old “ripped in half” joke. Sadly, the film as a whole is just too dark and bland to be worth watching, though.

The lack of lighting made the movie suffer horribly…

“Underground” had potential to be great, but it never made it above less than mediocrity, sadly enough. Why? Well because of the lack of lighting. Now, I know that it was taking place in an underground bunker, but most of the scenes were so dark that it was hard to get a view of what was going on. Sure, it added to the realism of the lack of light far underneath the ground, but as a viewer of a movie, I would like to see what was going on. I didn’t pay money to just sit around and look at poor-lit images all through an entire movie.

The story in “Underground” is the American government has been conducting secret experiments underground, gee – haven’t we seen that before? And get this, of course there had to be some reference to notorious Dr. Mengele from World War II – just to add some diabolic twist to the storyline. Anyway, a bunch of young people are attending a rave at an abandoned military base – yep, you guessed it – the exact same military base where the government were conducting these inhuman experiments. After running afoul with gang-bangers, the people get trapped underground. But they aren’t alone, they are being stalked by the genetically altered hybrids of man-beasts.

“Underground” had potential to be much more than it turned out to be. Don’t get me wrong, the storyline – although cheesy and been seen numerous times before – wasn’t all that bad. The storyline worked out well enough, and there was a great sense of claustrophobia and paranoia in the movie. But the complete lack of proper lighting really made the movie unbearable to sit through. Which was a shame.

As for the effects in the movie, well they were actually alright, and this subspecies of genetically altered humans were looking great. They did have that ferocious beastly quality to them. Just a shame they were mostly kept in the shadows or near-complete darkness most of the time.

“Underground” had a great ensemble of actors and actresses who did put on good performances. I think the only one I recognized in this movie was Jack Donner (playing Gunther). So it was nice to have a horror movie with a cast of fresh, new faces for a change.

Despite having potential, “Underground” never really kicked it off for me, because the lack of lighting really brought down the enjoyment of the movie. This style of keeping everything, and I do mean everything, in darkness is so early 1980’s horror movie. It worked nicely back in the day, but today we want to see the dread and horror stalking us beneath the surface of the ground.

Leave no man behind

“Gates to Hell: Underground” is the German release of “Underground.” The film opens with a failed “search and destroy lock and load” operation against mole men. Two years later a rave is being held on top of that underground facility. After a fight and a chase we find eight (?) young adults trapped in said facility with the expected meet up of the ugly guy with bad teeth on the cover.

The production didn’t shy away from overly impossible graphic scenes, some are mini plot spoilers on the German cover. The generator started up after sitting there for two years, a tribute to Woody Allen’s VW scene in “Sleeper” no doubt. Our group of young adults were armed with sticks and knives, certainly superior weapons to the M-14’s carried by the sissy army who couldn’t kill them. However, our heroes had trouble subduing an octogenarian in a wheel chair with an IV and an eye patch.(Hint: Go in from his blind side.) The film is shot mostly in a dimly lit area with a greenish glow…like the cover.

The production is a straight forward hunt and kill film. No twist. Even when they discovered what the creatures were, it felt like a Scooby-doo moment. Gee, who would ever have thought of that.

Guide: F-word. Sex, No nudity