Love Lasts Three Years (2011)


Love Lasts Three Years Storyline

When his wife Anne leaves him, Marc Marronnier, a high-profile literary critic starts writing a cynical pamphlet denouncing love. But his life is turned on its head by his encounter with Alice, an irresistible and inaccessible young woman, who forces Marc to reconsider everything he believes in.—Happy_Evil_Dude

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Love Lasts Three Years Movie Reviews


I am surprised that the score of this movie is so relatively low. Whilst it’s nothing special, it’s also really funny, shrewd and almost never facile: a little comedy about love and life with several laugh-out moments (the sequence of the fake “documentary” towards the end, with the famous philosophers saying trivialities with utter conviction, is worth the price of the dvd alone). Lightweight but not pedestrian. Recommended.

Misleading poster

The movie starts off with a frenetic pace, but does slow down quite a bit after that opening “montage” (some others are to follow later on). Of course some people might have trouble with a romantic movie trying to make fun of romance in some ways. Title being one of the best indicators of that.

But the leads in this are really good. Of course this being a french movie you should be aware that there will be nudity (in stark contrast to an inevitable? American remake)! If that doesn’t bother you, you will get a light movie, that will entertain you. It might have its slow moments here and there and you might not agree entirely how it resolves at the end, but it is more than solid in my book