Four More Years (2010)

  • Year: 2010
  • Released: 26 Nov 2010
  • Country: Sweden
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Swedish
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Runtime: 87 min
  • Writer: Wilhelm Behrman
  • Director: Tova Magnusson
  • Cast: Björn Kjellman, Eric Ericson, Tova Magnusson
  • Keywords: political party, parliament, male homosexuality, sexual awakening, woman director,

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720pweb801.54 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:307AEC27A49C79B2ECA346E05726EDF82DAC391D
1080pweb1.61 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:DAAD94520379DEB8620D41EE712497B96947B6CB

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Four More Years Movie Reviews

A nice little movie – but not for the homophobic

This is more drama than comedy but it does have it’s comic moments. Mostly it’s a drama about forbidden love and self discovery set against the backdrop of Swedish politics.

Björn Kjellman is great as the politician who gets lost when his political career is floundering and finds that most of what he thought his life was about is false. If you are uncomfortable with men kissing you may want to give this a pass, but there is no gratuitous nudity or sex.

All in all it was a surprisingly good understated comedy that is a great way to spend 90 minutes.

Fun, charming and a bit lost in translation

I was one of those eagerly waiting for the (belated) release of this movie when at last it arrived in 2010, and I was not disappointed. Now, four years later, I still find this story as fun and charming as I did then.

For better or worse, this is a rather typical Swedish romantic comedy, with a rather typical love story at its center, but that’s no reason not to see it. There are quite a few twists and turns to this story and Magnusson has done a great job of portraying both the Swedish political climate as well as modern and older popular culture and the Swedish society. Especially interesting, I think, is how being an openly homosexual politician is treated as a non-issue: it poses no real threat to David’s political career. Instead, it is David’s own struggle with his newfound identity that stands in his way and prevents him from seeing what is best for him as a private person, rather than a public person. The comedy is not only in the jokes about the Swedish culture and political parties, but in the identity crisis and the re-discovering of one’s self that David goes through, gorging on goat cheese and watching rented Beck-movies, that anyone can recognize, understand and laugh at. In laughing at David, we also laugh at ourselves.

To me, this movie is great. Fun, adorable and very spot on when it comes to the jokes. The acting is brilliant and I fall in love with David and Martin’s love story over and over again, as I find it very believable and authentic. Mauro Scocco, while no favorite artist of mine, has provided the movie with an excellent soundtrack that can sadly never be fully translated into or justified in English, and there are several instances where not only the music but the lyrics carry the viewer from scene to scene, mood to mood, and it is beautiful.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of the reasons why I love this movie get lost in translation. The English subtitles fail to communicate even half of the small jokes and hints that get tossed back and forth between the actors, which makes the English translation fall utterly short of the, in Swedish, excellent dialog. A lot of the jokes, particularly those about the different Swedish political parties, makes little to no sense if you are not familiar with their ideologies or the common prejudices about them. While it might be comprehensible why a Social Democrat-Liberal relationship is the Swedish equivalent of Romeo & Juliet, I don’t think it comes across why this should be a worse stigma than being a homosexual politician in Sweden – or maybe that’s just me.

There are many things in this movie that a lot of people can relate to and enjoy, and to anyone who enjoys watching a realistic take on love and life, you should definitely watch it.

Impossible to categorize

I turned this movie off about 10 times, but forced myself to finish it, although I don’t know why.

If you have a strong knowledge of Sweden and Swedish politics, you may find this film enjoyable. But if you do not, then you may be bored out of your skull.

The person who created this must have thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea to have two politicians from opposite sides of the coin, one closeted, married gay, and one out gay, fall in love with each other.

On paper, that probably looked good. But on the screen, it was basically a well-shot endless chat fest with tons of mismatched music.

The movie is supposed to be a “comedy” — although the subtitles made sense in English, I think I only laughed once. So, again, perhaps in Swedish, this movie is hysterically funny.

Well shot, but there is nothing that is really engaging. It’s hard to relate to a single person in the entire film and it seems to be a series of endless dinners of meeting, sexing, breaking up, making up, wash and repeat.

I gave it 4 stars because it was shot fairly cleanly and some scenes looked very good and obviously there was some money spent on this. Story-wise, though, I’m sorry; it just doesn’t work, at least it didn’t for me.