Kill Craft (2024)

false% – Audience

Kill Craft Storyline

Marina is a straight ‘A’ student living with her father, who is a professional hitman, and her mother who is suffering with a disability. Marina’s life quickly turns into chaos when her father is killed on a mission leaving her to take over the family business and be the sole caregiver for her mother.—Jakkepoes

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1080pweb1.82 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:B9A646A2E47732B61B8E701331CC32962097AFDE

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Kill Craft Movie Reviews

Kill Craft: A Movie So Bad, It’s Almost… No, It’s Just soooo Bad

Kill Craft is a cinematic abomination that defies explanation. It’s a jumbled mess of poor acting, atrocious writing, and cringe-worthy special effects. I’d rather watch paint dry than sit through this trainwreck again.

The plot (if you can call it that) is a convoluted disaster, with characters making decisions that would make even the most basic AI go, ‘Hmm, nope, not doing that.’ The dialogue is cringe-worthy, with gems like, ‘I’ll kill you… craft!’ (no, really, that’s a real line).

The acting? Forget about it. The ‘actors’ in this movie make high school drama club rejects look like Oscar winners. And don’t even get me started on the ‘action scenes,’ which are about as thrilling as a sedated sloth.

Kill Craft: a cinematic abomination! Poor acting, atrocious writing, and cringe-worthy special effects. Plot’s a convoluted disaster, characters make brainless decisions. Dialogue’s cringe-worthy, acting’s sub-par. Action scenes are thrilling as a sedated sloth. The editing’s choppy, sound design’s laughable, and the ending’s a mind-boggling mess. Avoid this waste of time, travesty of filmmaking, and insult to cinema. Even a rat wouldn’t watch! It’s a catastrophe, a monstrosity, a… well, you get the idea.

Was this a “Friends and Family” cast?

This movie was terrible. The guy who played the Hitman was the only passable actor in the film. The story was so unbelievable. The kid has no idea what her dad does. Her disabled mother sits up in bed with full makeup like she’s ready to go out for Date Night. What the hell was the affliction of that female at the end with the Twisted acrobatic gun slinging? She looked like she was possessed. I will Never get that hour back.??????. I like to give low budget movies the benefit of the doubt. Some have a great storyline – something that needs to be told. I would be embarrassed to tell anyone that I actually sat through the whole film.

Amatuerish in every possible way.

This movie is very poorly written, and all of the acting performances are terrible. The director is bad, and the editing did not save it.

Nobody in real life talks, or acts, like these characters. Several actors were atrocious.

I got a very bad opinion of it just 10 minutes in, and it only went downhill from there.

There are far more cringe moments than than scenes that felt realistic or believable.

Save yourself, and avoid this pathetic hack job.

It’s almost entirely a waste of time.

The music is also boring and unremarkable.

I could never recommend this movie to anyone except perhaps as a good example of how never to make a movie.