Verified Couple (2022)


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Verified Couple Movie Reviews

a study of sexual coercion

An excellent study about the dynamics of sexual coercion and coercive control. This guy, a self proclaimed pick up artist, does not understand that NO means NO. Coercive control is now illegal in countries like England and Wales and I hope many more will follow.

There is a short German documentary about those two in which he outright says ” If I want sex, I’ll get it. I’ll coerce Jaime until she gives it to me, otherwise I get aggressive”. Both say that it is a woman’s job to provide sex for the man whenever he feels like it and sexual assault is normalized as “Even if you say NO initially, you just have to leave your comfort zone”.

Disappointing to see that those two get one platform after another in a world in which sexual violence against women is tolerated and normalized.

How to Get Rich and Quick (All You Need is a Young Looking Girlfriend, Internet and a Camera)

This is essentially no different to any documentary you would find on Netflix or Prime. But is it any good? Let’s take a look…

After meeting Jamie and Nico, my first impression is that they are a relatively regular looking couple. They are also still very young, and I mean that not only by appearance but also because their general demeanor seems youthfully insecure, fragile and possibly a little naive as well.

Whilst detailing their symbiotic relationship, they tell of how they first met in an H&M store in homeland Germany and have been inseparable ever since. Jamie was a virgin at the time, with Nico being her first and only serious partner. It was Nico, looking for get rich quick schemes, who stumbled upon the idea of making online sex clips for money, an idea which also interested Jamie when presented to her. And so they became a verified couple, raking in a cool 10K for their first online payout.

Nico is obviously the driving force behind it all, but it’s obvious that without Jamie, he has nothing to sell to the mostly male demographic. Is he exploiting Jamie under the guise of a loving partner? He is essentially monetizing her sexuality and body for financial gain, which is a form of abuse no matter how Jamie has been conditioned to believe otherwise. There are scattered hints of a toxic relationship hiding behind the smiles and cute kisses, with Nico for example repeatedly pressuring Jamie to pose somewhat sexually in front of a lingerie store window display despite her irritated and vocal objections. This behaviour is repeated whenever Nico is directing.

Nico mentions how he was active in the pick-up artist scene, where men use women’s lack of self-worth (something Jamie admits to) to groom them into doing what they need them to, however relucatantly. That is an important point moving to the next topic.

With both talking of working in Prague, they plan out their expansion to include other models for Nico to personally work with. Whilst Jamie mentions her jealousy at the idea, Nico shoots back with “but now she’s realized that this will just strengethen our relationship”. Then it gets even more weird as Nico tells us “it’s always good for women to have a man spreading his genes” and goes on to tell us what “Jamie” thinks about it all. The obvious impression here is that Nico is in control of the narrative for their relationship and has been grooming Jamie towards his best life.

On the other hand, Jamie is very vocal about the spoils of financial freedom. She seems to accept the cost of her own exploitation for the very satisfying RoI.

Pornfluencer does not deep dive into the often dark side of the porn industry, since Youngcouple9598 film their own clips on their own terms. Seeing the process of making a sex clip is not unlike making a personal sex tape with your partner. Only more effort needs to go into the sets, angles and editing. Yes there’s a little nudity and pieces of explicit imagery, but it’s not excessive.

Overall, the documentary provides an interesting insight into the lucrative scheme of what is essentially home office sex work. The dynamic of the Nico and Jamie and their visible relationship cracks will make you raise an eyebrow and sneer. I found the documentary to be less a “multifaceted examination of shame, love, influence and success” (as plastered on the DVD cover) rather a voyeuristic peak at sex work, persuasion, insecurity and male toxic behaviour.