A Tear in the Sky (2022)

75% – Audience

A Tear in the Sky Storyline

This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy “TicTac” UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find instead are thought-provoking clues into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and the very fabric of our spacetime reality.

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A Tear in the Sky Movie Reviews

Some interesting content but truly dreadful film making.

There were some fairly interesting things caught by the expedition, and a couple of the people working on the movie are very knowledgeable, but the horrendous, public domain soundtrack and sensationalising vocabulary used by Corey et al ruined what could have been a decent watch. Karaaaaaaaaaazy, increeeeeeeedible, worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrld changing, amaaaaaaaazing and woooooooooooow, the discoveries were not. Kind of interesting and worth following up on, they were. The tech nerd who owned most of the kit was great, but do all UFO movie makers go to the same History Channel sponsored film school? No wonder so many serious people still laugh at a very serious subject. Waaaaaaaaaaay overpriced at 4 bucks. The grift continues while we still remain in the dark about what a very real phenomena actually is. Shame.

The truth is out there (but not in this documentary)

The idea behind ‘A Tear in the Sky’ is a fantastic one: Get a group of scientists, experts and ex-military men to team up and observe a UFO hotspot, using state-of-the-art equipment. The result is ultimately disappointing because the group are given an incredibly short window of time (5 days) to produce their results. Ideally, the team should’ve been given months, not days to observe the skies and gather evidence. It was great to see the ex-navy guys Kevin Day and Gary Voorhis being given the chance to participate in a project like this. But the quality of the findings was incredibly poor. Grainy or distant footage and small objects that only appeared on screen for a split second. If the public is going to take the UFO/UAP phenomenon seriously, we have to come up with much better evidence than this.

A tear in Shatners underwear

A pseudoscientific potpourri revolving around world famous UFO clips, TicTac, Go fast and Gimball. If you have seen the clips there is very little here except lots of talk about modern video/audio recording devices. Flooding the viewer with lots of acronyms and super scientific sounding small talk does not make this science.

We are shown dots in the sky in different colour ranges next to original navy clips and later on nonsense graphs while the “scientific crew” try to get their cellular phones to work. “Could this be another tictac?” Yeah, I guess they could also be mast lights from Catalina island, satellites or falling stars. Maybe even superman, like Shatner suggest playfully, hinting exactly how much he is into this specialist role of his.

Shatner is almost awake while performing though later on he has trouble to stay on cue where he is supposed to act excited or say “Crazy!” when he is presented a normal cloud formation, claiming it is something very “crazy”. Earlier in the document we are suggested it is a wormhole. Wormhole. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I feel sympathy for the naval officer who was connected to original clips and seems very sad and troubled but you can see him being sad and troubled in many other interviews where he tells the story in depth and personally. Nothing new here.

Michio Kaku gets about 3 minutes of screen time which mostly consist of clips from earlier documentaries. 1 star comes from including his famous quote (also from another interview): Next time you are “abducted”, steal something.