On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey (2021)


On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey Storyline

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey follows cryptid documentarian Seth Breedlove and his crew as they head to the Adirondacks of update New York for an intensive, adventure-filled week searching for Sasquatch. The team joins bigfoot researchers like Steve Kulls (“Monsterquest”) and Paul Bartholomew (Finding Bigfoot, Beast of Whitehall) who lead them on the search for their quarry. The Journey takes a deep look into the subject of bigfoot, but also what spurs people to spend their lives searching for a creature many believe doesn’t exist. Along the way, the crew makes a stop in Whitehall, NY, home to an incident involving multiple members of law enforcement claiming to see a bigfoot in a field off a rural road. The crew has multiple unusual experiences during their various night investigations near Lake George, Whitehall, and Western Massachusetts. The Journey unveils some of that evidence.

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey Photos

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey Torrents Download

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On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey Movie Reviews

Why should I watch this?

No, I haven’t seen it, because I’ve seen about twenty of these dumb things: lots of video showing nothing; lots of interviews with people who swear they saw something; and no verifiable evidence of any kind.

Note to Bigfooters, Yetiers, UFOers, Flat Earthers, and QAnoners: If it’s real, prove it. “Prove it” means provide direct, verifiable evidence that stands up to scrutiny.

And if you can’t prove it, then STFU. Idiots.

Interesting, but…

It covers the wilderness of the American northeast region which is fascinating, but that’s where the appeal ends for me. Apart from some incredible artwork, a few interesting encounter stories and historical records, it does drag on a bit. They seem more interested in the wilderness that this legendary entity could possibly inhabit than the actual mystery itself.

Until we have definitive unequivocal evidence Bigfoot actually does exist, these documentaries will continue to trudge along with the same monotony. All flash. Little substance.

Nice scenery picture is ALL it is worth.

Same as the other 100s of bigfoot documentaries. Guys with nothing else better to do. Hey guys, let’s go camping! Ok, let’s take video showing that we find nothing as usual.