Tech Billionaires: Elon Musk (2021)


Tech Billionaires: Elon Musk Photos

Tech Billionaires: Elon Musk Torrents Download

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Tech Billionaires: Elon Musk Subtitles Download

Tech Billionaires: Elon Musk Movie Reviews

Thinly veiled hit piece

Although it presents itself as objective, it rarely credits Musks genius or hard work, strongly suggesting his success comes purely from hype. Even the issues presented about musk are over inflated and easily explainable as an imperfect multinational corp, not necessarily Musks fault.

They also make silly mistakes, like claiming the Fremont factory was in San Francisco.

They bring up the attack on his family as a kid during the 80s in South Africa and leave out that it was political.

Elon is not perfect, by any means, and no one is claiming otherwise, but his advancement in global commerce (Paypal) Battery Tech and Automotive (Tesla and Solar) and space exploration (Space Tech) is undeniable, and in a 90min “documentary” they did not acknowledge any of that.

Whoever created this began with a huge chip on their shoulder, obvious bias.