Slashers Gone Wild! (2006)

  • Year: 2006
  • Released: 11 Aug 2006
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Horror
  • Runtime: 78 min
  • Writer: Rob Avery
  • Director: Rob Avery
  • Cast: Lalaneya Albright, Andrea Anderson, Tiffany Apan
  • Keywords: immortality, gore, slasher, chainsaw, vicious killings, ressurection,

Slashers Gone Wild! Storyline

In search of a headline that will make her a household name, a reporter uncovers a forbidden world of decadent madness and murder. She uncovers a horrific website where dark twisted souls upload footage of their crimes. These demented monsters are competing for their spot as SLASHER OF THE YEAR. Will she be able to withstand the gut-wrenching horror as countless lives are vanquished before her eyes? Will the slashers be relentlessly slaughtered by the demonic Kevin Tooler and his undead army of ghouls? Who will survive and live to tell?—Rob Avery

Slashers Gone Wild! Photos

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720pweb1.01 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:4D8A8250346FE5BAE27D4E88DECDB763E4BF959B
1080pweb1.87 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:973F3651761A62FDD352C52C5960FE3950A0D8C0

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Slashers Gone Wild! Movie Reviews

Extremely fast action with blood and gore

This film is packed with fast action. This fast action is what I want to see. It seems too many independent movies have long drawn out plots with excessive character creation. This movie gets to the action and it is non-stop. The non-stop action was the same reason I was attracted to the Indiana Jones Movies. Many of the special effects are so realistic that I cannot tell the difference. Some of the special effects are ones that I have never seen before. Actually I am not sure they are not real. It was like the film-maker had access to real, previously unknown blood and gore scenes and put them into the movie. The editing together of all the Slashers seems to be an impossible task but by using the Narrator concept along with a continuous theme the film-maker successfully pulled it off. I also liked the multitude of ways the film-maker found to eliminate people. These combined read like an Inquisition textbook. In fact it reminds me of the Spanish Inquisition as if it had been done without the religious support. There is no religion and no politics here it is just rapid blood and gore.

Video Violence 2 Meets Man Bites Dog

Serial killers reach out to each other via a website. The content is filled by celebrity serial killers who show off their particular style of life stopping.

You need a weird sense of humour(which most of us have anyways) to enjoy the mayhem that unfolds with most special guests being killed or helping to kill. The tone of the film is mostly dark comedy not really being scary or disturbing.

The gore is pretty good for being low budget(this is a Brain Damage film). the movie however does get mundane at times which explains the 77 minute runtime. You should notice similarities to Video Violence 2 with a sprinkling of Deathrow Gameshow and a watered down Man Bites Dog.

I’m probably being unfair since this movie did come out in 2006 almost 132 serial killer website/cable show/underground networks ago. I would have given it a six back then.


It’s hard to find a great mix of comedy and gore, where neither overshadows the other. It’s fun and laugh out loud funny from beginning to end, along with a LOT of gory surprises along the way. It’s a MUST see for any fan of independent horror. To quote an old favorite movie of mine ” You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll puke, you’ll die!” I think my absolute favorite part of the movie is the chainsaw decapitation scene. I’m a huge horror fan myself, and I’ve seen a lot of these type of things attempted. This was hands down the BEST one I’ve EVER SEEN! If you really pay attention in the scene, you can actually see the girl blink just before the chainsaw tears its way through her head with no remorse! Again, if you haven’t seen it, you’re really missing out!