Spitfire Over Berlin (2022)

33% – Audience

Spitfire Over Berlin Storyline

August 1944. With the American Eighth Air Force poised to strike over Nazi Germany, British Intelligence learns that they could be flying into a deadly trap. With only hours to spare, Flight Lieutenant Edward Barnes must fly a life and death mission over Berlin in his unarmed Spitfire to obtain photographic evidence and save the lives of 1200 men.

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Spitfire Over Berlin Movie Reviews

The Actual Plane Isn’t Believable

The acting is not bad, and the story is so-so (predictable and not very deep, but that’s okay for war movies), but the actual spitfire is embarrassing and almost made the movie unwatchable.

The opening sequence is the Spirtfire flying while avoiding flak, and the 100% CGI plane is horrendous, even worse than MS Flight Simulator. Same thing with the single flack burst that was copied and pasted numerous times.

I almost shut the movie off then, but decided to tough it out for a while, but every time you almost start to look past the terrible CGI, they through some other ridiculousness in your face. The actual plane used in land scenes is obviously a mock-up built with Phillips screws that weren’t used on Spitfires, some even aren’t painted, and every surface is brand new – showing zero use. Kind of like watching a jungle warfare movie where they’ve been trekking through a tropical jungle for weeks, but their faces are still clean, their T-Shirts still white, no one is sweating, and their uniforms are still clean with creases intact.

It’s really hard to look past the poor attention to detail and get immersed into this movie, no matter how hard you try.

The acting is good, but…

Spitfires didn’t have enough fuel just to go to Berlin, so coming back seems more than unlikely.

The whole movie is as unrealistic as this fuel problem. Combats, medical issues… Nothing make sense!

There are useless flashbacks too (that, I can’t stand anymore).

And the 3D models are poor.

Not bad, but really, really, not good…

Utter Tripe.

The entire movie consists of headshots of pilots in phony aircraft. I’ve seen better CGI on Saturday morning cartoons — from the ’60s! And calling the acting wooden is an insult to actual wood… Everything about this stinker is phony.

You have been warned.