St George’s Day (2012)

  • Year: 2012
  • Released: 07 Sep 2012
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Adwords: 2 nominations
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: Not Rated
  • Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
  • Runtime: 109 min
  • Writer: Urs Buehler, Frank Harper
  • Director: Frank Harper
  • Cast: Charles Dance, Craig Fairbrass, Vincent Regan
  • Keywords:
18% – Critics
34% – Audience

St George’s Day Storyline

Infamous London gangster cousins, Micky Mannock and Ray Collishaw, are at the top of the food chain, when their world is turned upside down as they lose a shipment of the Russian Mafia’s cocaine in rough seas. Set in London, Amsterdam and Berlin, the story races across Europe at breakneck speed as Micky and Ray attempt to stay one step ahead of the Police. Can they pull off a daring diamond heist in time to put things right and retire to a “legitimate” way of life.—Frank Harper

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1080pbluray2 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:9C9434633C0D407FDE8E551D2A999ADD941776D6

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St George’s Day Movie Reviews

Gawd blimey Guv’nor what a load of bleeding Pony*

Do you remember the good old days, when an Englishman’s home was his castle? When you could leave your front door unlocked? Every other person down your street was a Pearly King? and every night was spent having a sing-song around the old Joanna at the rub-a- dub, before doing the Lambeth walk all the way home? Well the makers of this film do….Every character in this formulaic tosh is either a cheeky, chirpy, annoying Cock-ernee or is a hulking, growling Jason Statham-a-like who’ll screw your head off your shoulders for looking sideways at his pint. St Georges day seems to be aimed at a typical 15- 22 year old lads mag audience and fair enough, but there isn’t enough meat on the bones here for even the most easily pleased “Nuts” magazine reader. The sex isn’t sexy enough, the comic bits aren’t funny and you’ll see better orchestrated violence in any town centre Kebab shop on a Saturday night. The plot is paper thin (The Russian Mafia …How very 80’s….Missing Cocaine….How original “2 out of 10. See me at the end of class”)

The acting is as wooden as a crate of light ale. And middle aged men ruminating on World war 2 and what being an Englishman is all about, still yearning for the good old days, just smacks of lazy writing & casual racism. At times this almost plays out as a recruiting film for the English Defence League. No doubt a few knuckle draggers will get something out of the casual violence, drug taking and football thuggery but everyone else please steer well clear of this load of old Pony*

* Cockney rhyming slang….Pony & Trap = CRAP

If you’re a fan of the genre, ignore the negative reviews

It took me a while to finally watch this, as I foolishly judged the film by it’s IDMB rating (a habit I need to squash, as they’ve been highly inaccurate in the last year or so).

This film is exactly what you’d expect from the ‘British gangster movie’ club – The usual suspects, playing their usual parts, with a mix of action, violence, and tough men in nice suits, embroiled in turf wars with foreign mobsters, caught up in the standard situations that you’ve seen in these kind of films before.

If you’re a fan of the genre, and British crime pieces, then I doubt you’ll be disappointed, as the acting is up to scratch, it looks polished, and it is leagues ahead of many other cheap efforts from unknown British directors. Frank Harper has been in enough films over the years, some high budget, and others low, that’s it not surprising that he is now venturing into the production and directing aspect of the business.

The pace of the film was fine, the characters were easy to accept and follow, there was a fair bit of drama, and it definitely wasn’t as ‘vulgar’ as some are making out, as I’ve seen far worse, in regards to the over use of swearing, and unnecessary violence.

This is no ‘Goodfellas’ or ‘The Godfather’ but who would be expecting that kind of level from this film anyway?

It does what it said on the tin – Solid film, and good casual viewing.

I wrote this review to put some perspective on here, as the 4.5 rating is completely off the mark, and due to the low amount of submissions, it’s probably some kind of ‘politics’.

Final thought – IMDb ratings are not always justified, and one should probably make up their own mind, rather than rely on them, like I’ve done in the past. You’ll miss out on good films if you do.


Oh my effing days……

Infamous cousins, Micky Mannock and Ray Collishaw, are at the top of their game, when their world is turned upside down, as they lose a shipment of the Russian Mafia’s cocaine in rough seas.

They race across Europe to attempt to stay one step ahead of the Police, The Russians, and Frank Harpers vanity…….

I love watching films with Craig Fairbrass, ever since he appeared in Cliffhanger as a Cockney Geezer, he has played the same character in everything he has appeared in, and he never fails to make me chuckle.

So I thought I’d hit pay-dirt with this, and thought I’d be in store for a couple of hours worth of silly swearing, Chavvy clothes, and idle threats. Believe me, I don’t like these sort of films, I just watch them for their crassness, and stupidity.

But then I realise its just a complete vanity project for Frank Harper, another hard man you wouldn’t ask or an autograph from in real life, and it really got me thinking, how on earth can films like this and the equally bad ‘Big Fat Gypsy Gangster’ get green lighted?

Harper casts a glamour model as his Girlfriend, who also like the fairer sex, and he gets all the best lines, and it turns from a laughable crime drama, to The Frank Harper show.

Charles Dance turns up every now and again, dying a little inside saying these poor lines, and sort things out.

CGI blood is awful, and in the end, its just a poor excuse of a film.

But at least I found out what the Acronym POSH stands for.

Frank Harper, movie maker and educator….