Them (2021)


Them Storyline

Humans live in a comfortable dream that repeats itself. They control the dream. They were humans once too. Some humans wake up, most don’t. Daniel wakes to be told that things could be different. Daniel believes it. For a while at least.

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Them Movie Reviews

Really bad…

This nonsensical film is really quite bad. Allegedly science fiction, it tries to be some kind of morality play about human obliviousness. It just doesn’t work. I highly recommend that you avoid this snooze-fest.

The Writers Probably Should Have Told Us What Was Going On.

This film explains nothing, and both really happens either. There is no plot.

Like it says humans cannot see them anymore, but it doesn’t even remotely hint at what “them” are. They were apparently human once? What happened? Like I don’t expect to be “spoon fed” even, but sometimes a little bit more story or explanation can make a film make a lot more sense.

Like I get that the stiff acting could be down to them trying to be “off human”. But there is so much people standing at windows looking out talking with stiff awkward lines.

This is the first review by someone who didn’t work on the film, apparently.

This movie was about 83 minutes of ‘WTF is happening here’?

‘Them’ are apparently in charge of things, but all they do is stand around and ‘report’ to each other. What are they? The narrator says they used to be humans, but what are they now? No one thought to mention that.

Maybe the writers know what’s going on. It would have been nice for them to let the rest of us in on the secret. ‘Adrian Perez’ mentions the Matrix, but don’t be confused. There are no car chases or even CGI. Mostly, it just a bunch of actors standing around reciting their lines. Literally ‘standing around’ in most cases. There were a few flickers of emotion, but that may have been accidental. I have seen some deadpan wooden acting before, but this was amazing.

Anyway, I watched the whole thing and I still can’t tell you what the hell was supposed to be going on.

I gave it a 1, which is really rare for me. Most movies have something going for them, but not this one. It was just a whole bunch of nothing.”

Move along, watch some ‘so bad it’s good’ movie instead.