Fish in a Barrel (2020)

69% – Audience

Fish in a Barrel Storyline

The film opens at the 2018 March For Our Lives in Los Angeles, where thousands of demonstrators with powerful signs converged in a turning point in the long fight to curb gun violence in America. How long? We see footage of 20 years prior at the Million Mom March in Washington, D.C., where speakers and marchers echo many of the same points. The film explores why things don’t change, following the NRA’s influence in politics. Even after Sandy Hook, the NRA watered down and then derailed a modest background checks bill, using misinformation that the bill would create a registry. This information is spread using the NRA’s own database of gun owners which has added millions of names without permission. The NRA’s political influence is explored through their membership numbers claims, use of coordinating vendors with Republican candidates, and their direct efforts to elect Donald Trump. At the same time, the amount of election interference by Russia is considerable, ranging from hacking election vendors to U.S. power plants, and a review of Soviet history shows the troubling efforts to undermine American democracy. Similarly, Republicans like Senator Joseph McCarthy were vehemently anti-Russia, underscoring the change of attitude toward Russia in recent years. The film takes a deep dive into the story of Maria Butina and Aleksandr Torshin, a pair of Russian nationals who became NRA members in a brazen effort to influence American politicians. Along the way, the NRA committed numerous financial violations and broke campaign finance laws, which would typically result in a loss of tax-exempt status, as the film’s last part details.

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Fish in a Barrel Movie Reviews

Outdated propaganda

This miserable hit piece morphs from gun control to the NRA to hatred (and proven lies) about Trump.

Simply put, bad information from some low-information people that only live in the past and fear the future.

Totally lost me with the Russiagate BS

From the film’s description:

“At the same time, the amount of election interference by Russia is considerable, ranging from hacking election vendors to U. S. power plants, and a review of Soviet history shows the troubling efforts to undermine American democracy.”

There was no Russian “hacking” of election vendors (whatever that means) or U. S. power plants. This has all been thoroughly debunked. Absolutely zero evidence was ever provided either to the public or via Mueller’s investigation despite the nightly screaming about it on MSNBC and all the (later retracted) CNN **BOMBSHELL** “BREAKING NEWS” headlines. This is all 100% fake news.

If any nation interfered in favor of Trump it was Israel, via Sheldon Adelson and the open secret which is that country’s constant meddling in US affairs and our “democracy.” The US has meddled far more in other countries’ elections than anything Russia ever even attempted in 2016 and CrowdStrike has refused to make the servers available for analysis. But Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity as well as independent journalists like Aaron Mate and others have painstakingly sifted through all the claims (and lies and obfuscation) to paint an accurate picture of what really happened. Namely, “Russia” bought a few Facebook ads, most of which having nothing to do with the election or politics and the vast majority of which were either seen by non-voters or after the election had already happened. It was Hillary’s big excuse for failing to campaign in the “Rust Belt” states like Obama and Trump had.

To the film, it does paint an accurate portrait of the NRA’s outsized influence on American politics and their borderline criminal activities w/ tax exempt status. Even then, and once again, it veers back to the Russian angle for no reason whatsoever with Maria Butina (like Trump, just a grifter looking for support) and a cohort of very disorganized Russians who allegedly came to the USA to spy, but for which allegations no proof is ever presented. Just like in the MSM.

All in all, the director did a good job of telling his story, albeit one in many ways divorced from the truth, and as such it is effective propaganda which preaches to the choir who already believe in its nonsense.

For these reasons I cannot give the film any higher than 2 stars, of which 1 star goes to filmmaking competence and an easier than expected narrative arc to follow. Also ‘kudos’ to the producers for doing this in celluloid/video format as there is no opportunity to stop and check/debunk the lies that they’re repeating. Again, very effective as propaganda to cement the incorrect notions that Trump loved Putin and that the latter helped the former get elected. Hogwash.

Disclaimer: I’m a lefty, do not support the Democrats or Republicans (including Trump), but we’ll never move forward as a country until we can start telling ourselves the uncomfortable truths about our leaders (both sides) and our media’s (both sides) dastardly deeds and coverups instead of fairy tales about evil foreign powers being responsible for the ‘bad outcomes’ in our political system which is already structurally rotten enough as it is. Please tell us the real story of Israeli election meddling next.

This is as realistic as The Pillow Guy’s hallucinations! Should have been Aliens…

Unless you’re living in a tree so they don’t cut it down or laying on the Highway to stop traffic. This is a total mirror opposite to the crazy Quacknon boys and girls!! When Lobotomy meets crack party in the basement of a tannery. Where is Rob Zombie when you need him?