More Things That Happened (2007)


More Things That Happened Storyline

Composed of short, fragmented, and inconsequential scenes from Inland Empire (2006), David Lynch’s “More Things That Happened” complements the full-feature parent film. Devoid of distractions, this series of eerie silences, slow-paced sequences, and ambiguous dialogue immerses the audience even more in the uncanny world of Nikki Grace and the Phantom, shedding more light on their parallel realities. But, in a realm of opaque mystery and endless possibilities, shadowy but spine-tingling answers become inextricably intertwined with a new set of questions, and as always, nothing is what it seems.—Nick Riganas

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More Things That Happened Movie Reviews

I wish that Inland Empire would have been a six hour long movie…

I like Inland Empire. In itself, it is a great movie. But if you happen to have the Special Edition DVD like I have, I would definitely watch this “deleted scene” movie. It’s long and my first experience watching Inland Empire was, since it didn’t play in San Diego (why not, it is bloody close to the real Inland Empire and we have several theaters which would have loved to play it), buying and watching the two disc DVD. I liked the three hour movie so much and had so many questions, my boyfriend and I whipped out disc two and started to watch.

I almost wish Inland Empire would have had all the extra footage in it. We learn more about the Phantom and his watch from it and some back story. I know people want to make a concise movie but Inland Empire is slow moving and mysterious, almost two much so. It could have benefited by the Polish story that weaves into the making of 47 and On High in Blue Tomorrows. It made some things a little clear, but still under a murky bell jar. Or maybe I long for six hour Lynch films. Who knows? I am still waiting for a six hour version of Fire Walk With Me.

OMG Lynch movies are too much for me

This one is a complement for Inland Empire, and all I can say is : uhhhhnn…?! Lynch movies are supposed to leave you like this. I don’t even know if I’m ready to discuss this movie with someone, because I feel very confused. I think I should rewatch it a couple more times before trying.


this is just brilliant to me. I love the parallels that Lynch made in his past three films of placing reality directly next to fantasy pointing at the truths in fantasy. He furthered these juxtapositions by placing scenes next to scenes with minimal logical correspondence in Inland Empire creating a narrative with a unique logic and form. Now we see deleted scenes of fantastic monologues, dialogues and images edited together to make a piece with fragile, psychological emotions at the forefront and demonstrative reason in the basement. It is hard to watch without linking it with what I know from Inland Empire but I did try to watch it as a stand alone film.