Attack of the Doc! (2023)

99% – Critics
99% – Audience

Attack of the Doc! Storyline

Before the rise of big tech, social media and Marvel movies, Attack of the Show. chronicled nerd culture’s unlikely acceptance into mainstream. G4TV’s flagship show launched the careers of hosts Olivia Munn and Kevin Pereira and was beloved by fans – a unique celebration of geek culture before it was cool. Diving into colossal cream pies, wearing funny fat suits and putting internet servers where the sun don’t shine – anything could happen on an episode of Attack of the Show. It’s been years since the original show went off the air in 2005 and one question remains: what really happened to G4TV and Attack of the Show?

Attack of the Doc! Photos

Attack of the Doc! Torrents Download

720pweb801.44 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:9F3E611B74C725BAF29B1C198A2E6C2C4FFC8D86
1080pweb1.45 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8D24B69AAEDC7D9CEA9DC6538D9481A14E8A0F09

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Attack of the Doc! Movie Reviews

Attack of the Show G4 Documentary

Documentary movies are not my go to when I want to watch something, but this one was awesome. It sent me right down memory lane! It’s just a great movie and plenty of fun to watch for anyone into nerd culture.

Chris Gore did a great job telling the story of the tv show, as well as some subtle and relevant commentary on the early 2000’s compared to today in 2023.

Fans of the G4 channel would also enjoy this movie even if they did not watch Attack of the Show. It has a great sense of humor throughout the movie and delivers an interesting timeline of events.

If you were a fan of Attack of the Show than it’s a must see!

A must watch

I’m a fan from the early days , the screen savers on.

But I want to review this from the viewpoint of my wife , my wife only knew what I had mentioned from early memories of many years of entertainment juxtaposed with what she saw of the abomination and or g4bortion and hate filled relaunch.

The documentary gave her a glimpse of what the show actually had to offer back in the day, just pure fun and entertainment, she loved the doc, it made her understand why the relaunch was such a disappointment and what made the old show so missed by so many.

Make movies and tv for audiences and entertainment not for ESG points

Great job Mr Gore.

It’s a Buy!

So many memories, so many laughs and of course Olivia Munn.

Chris Gore has managed to achieve what I thought was unattainable, he’s made an amazing film/documentary about G4 and their flagship show Attack of the Doc. In my opinion it’s completely unbiased and shows just why we all loved the show so much.

Of course the chemistry between Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn helped sell that show, the fact they were up for anything just allowed the show to be as zany and crazy as the fans could hope for.

I’ll say it again, with this film Chris Gore has managed to create something that hits all the fans of those heady G4 days right in the feels. We loved that show.