Death Rider in the House of Vampires (2021)

38% – Critics
38% – Audience

Death Rider in the House of Vampires Storyline

Clad all in black, the mysterious “Death Rider” travels through the desert on horseback. His destination: Vampire Sanctuary. The entrance fee: one female virgin. Once inside he encounters Count Holliday, Vampire Lord of Sanctuary who warns him against any transgressions. Blood and guns action follow as Death Rider tangles with Vampires of Sanctuary like the smoldering Carmilla Joe and her sidekick Mina Belle, and Vampire Gunslingers Drac Cassidy, Bad Bathory, Kid Vlad, and Duke VonWayne. Writer/Director Glenn Danzig delivers his second feature film, the vampire spaghetti-western “Death Rider in the House of Vampires.”

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Death Rider in the House of Vampires Movie Reviews

“B” Grade Vampire Spaghetti Western

I saw “Death Rider in the House of Vampires”-just the name itself was intriguing-starring Devon Sawa-Escape Plan:The Extractors, Final Destination; Julian Sands-The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Warlock; Kim Director-Split, Book of Shadows:Blair Witch 2 and Glenn Danzig-he is the founder of the rock group Danzig and this is his first movie to act in.

This movie is written, produced & directed by Glenn Danzig, who also makes his acting debut in it, too-if you don’t count the music videos he’s done. This is his second film to direct, with ‘Verotika’ being his first. This movie is sort of like a ‘B’ grade-and I say that generously-vampire spaghetti western. The acting is bad, the camera shots end abruptly, some things are overly exaggerated, but the girls are nice to look at. The movie opens with Devon-Death Rider-riding with a girl tagging along, tied to a horse, and she seems to have lost her shirt somewhere. I must say that she is healthy, though. Devon is headed for a place called sanctuary and admission to the sanctuary is a virgin, so that explains the girl that Devon has with him. Julian is the head vampire of the sanctuary/business that has a bar that they use to lure in dinner guests-kind of like in ‘From Dusk Til Dawn’. Kim is the head social director that keeps the girls in line and Glenn plays a frequent patron. There are a few cameos; Eli Roth, Sean ‘X_Pac’ Waltman and Danny Trejo. This movie is not for everyone but if you like ‘B’ grade movies-I do-you might enjoy it.

It wasn’t rated but I’m giving it an “R” for bloody gore, violence, language and nudity and it has a running time of 1 hour & 32 minutes.

Like I said, it’s not for everyone but I liked it and would buy it on DVD.

Grindhouse B movie fun

Given the incomprehensible mess that was his first film Verotika, Death Rider In The House of Vampires actually was fun to watch. Yes, there were plenty of technical flaws; lighting, fade outs, zooms, and it was too quiet. But I am cutting Danzig some slack. He isn’t schooled in film and you can never tell if he is serious or not. Personally, I like B movies, I like Danzig so I found enjoyment in this, but if you don’t know who Danzig is you may well find this garbage. The opening credits alone were a weird yet captivating sight. As for Tasha Reign, the topless girl in the beginning of the film, she’s an adult film actress and again, this is a Danzig film. If you’re familiar with Danzig we can’t be surprised at this. As Joe Bob Briggs is wont to say boobs, blood and beasts are what makes B movies, and in this day and age of uptight political correctness I found this throwback element fun. Julian Sands was good and brought credibility to the film, Devon Sawa was good too. Eli Roth brought energy and he commanded the scenes he was in. It was even fun to see Danzig in the film. Again, it is what it is. It was an improvement from Verotika. There was an actual story here and for a Danzig film I enjoyed it.

The B movie of this generation

Movies like this don’t seem to come around too often, at least I don’t see them.

Definitely a B movie reminiscent of the 70’s, includes an over use of blood and an abundance of gorgeous women, some missing their shirts. If you’re in to B movies, this is the movie for you… I suppose some people would drop it in the category “So bad it’s good”, but just like “The Room” I don’t really agree with that – it’s just bad.

It does have a few good things about it –

Besides the girls being great to look at, they’re actually not the worst with their acting. Their accents and slang from the wild west were pretty decent, not gonna win an oscar or anything but, decent. Also, Julian Sands (The Count) seems out of place here since he actually plays the part really well, the best acting of the movie by far.

The story and setting is also fun and as far as I know pretty original, although the plot is VERY basic with dialogue to match.

Also one small thing I really liked was watching them shoot their pistols. It looked pretty realistic (as in, not perfect).

Honestly, the whole film could be elevated to a praiseworthy B-movie that almost shouldn’t be classified as a B-movie if it fixed 2 things:

1) Editing –

The shots hang on way too long. I’m not sure if it’s for “artistic” value or what, but way too many times does it zoom in on a character and then fade out over an uncomfortable amount of time, sometimes the zoom will even have a clear stop and then an ever-so-slight zoom again (which made me laugh).

The couple of fight scenes could improve by leaps and bounds too.

2) The sound mixing –

WOW the film could be SO much better if this was done right. The movie is QUIET except for dialogue.

The score is barely heard and when it is it’s very low, and the bar scenes especially suffer from this.

You can tell no one is making a sound in the scene and you can only hear the faintest whisper of background chatter added in. You need glasses clanking and people talking over each other. It’s seriously very bizarre that the sound levels for background noises (extremely low) and effects (abnormally high) are what they are, but dialogue is normal. Actually, a lot could be elevated by the sound mix being fixed, even the acting.

I had to rate it a 2 because even though I appreciated the original plot and enjoyed the film more than “The Room” (which I also rated a 2), the technical issues are just too glaring to overcome.