Undercover with the Clerics: Iraq’s Secret Sex Trade (2019)


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Undercover with the Clerics: Iraq’s Secret Sex Trade Subtitles Download

Undercover with the Clerics: Iraq’s Secret Sex Trade Movie Reviews

Holier than thou

Different religion, same story…the holier they pretend to be, the more perverted they are. This documentary is about how in Iraq it is illegal have have sex without marriage, so they allow you to marry a 5 year old for one hour, do your business, then never see her again. It is legal according to their teachings which is insane, things like this happen all over the world in every religion sadly.

Holy clerics and sheikh’s sell sex in an innovative and clever way… sigh!

This documentary exposes just another way men abuse, violate and molest women and children. In Iraq clerics and sheikh’s set up temporary marriages called, “A Pleasure Marriage”. A man can have sex with a women or a child for an hour, 4 hours, a day, even a week with a fake marriage document. Once he’s fulfilled he then moseys on down the road leaving behind nothing but devastation, despair and even the possibility of death if she is found out. The trickery, the premeditation, the disregard for human life and the cleverness of it all is simply astounding. Man will never stop, he will always find a way.

I found this to be informative, sad, and it made me angry. I was shocked but then again, I wasn’t. These so-called men of God who engage in this horrific exploitation is nothing new to America or to the world. But it’s very clever (and not in a good way) how these men protect themselves from their own religious beliefs. What’s even more interesting is they believe what they’re doing is OK with their God?! Lets be clear too, I believe in science but if you’re going to talk the religious talk, you’d better walk the religious walk. Hummm, maybe they are?

Sheikh – definition – “A honorific title in the Arabic language”. Honorable title? Lol. When you engage in this behavior the only thing honorable (in the broski-brotherhood) is providing a way for your fellow brothers to have sex without strings. News flash, you’re not a sheikh, you’re a schmuck and considered to be on the low end of the rung in terms of human beings. Your hierarchy, or at this point, a lack thereof, is in your face son!

Clerics – definition – “A priest or religious leader”. Really? Again, if you sell women and children for sex, you’re just a pimp.

If you like docs then I’d give this a watch. It does have subtitles so you need to pay attention. In other words, you can’t surf the net (I see you doing it) looking up… A Pleasure Marriage. *wink*

The horror at the nexus of patriarchy and religion

This documentary reveals horrible facts about a widespread practice in Iraq facilitated by certain sheikhs and clerics. The phenomenon of “pleasure marriages” run by these religious leaders creates a systemic power imbalance between men and girls and women in Iraq. Pleasure marriages are short-term informal “contracts” in which men can have sex and/or rape women and girls under a religious veil of protection. Even though Iraq civil law says women can only be married at 15, these clerics marry girls as young as 9. These marriages are essentially prostitution as they can be as short as 30 minutes and the middleman (cleric) is paid a fee for the arrangement and the ceremony (which can be done over the phone) as a pimp would be and the girl is also paid sometimes. The problem is this is exploitation because many of the women don’t know the marriages are temporary and that they will be discarded and abandoned after the man has sex with her. Women are ostracized by society if they are divorced, have sex outside of marriage, lose their virginity, etc. while men are not held accountable at all. Since women are the only ones who face negative consequences, this practice makes women vulnerable because they have nowhere to go and they are pimped out by clerics undergoing endless “pleasure marriages” until their life ends. It’s unconscionable and something needs to be done, but who knows if anything will ever happen. I commend these brave women for speaking out and for the reporters and producers who made this investigation happen.