Blackwater (2007)

  • Year: 2007
  • Released: 14 Jul 2012
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: PG-13
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror
  • Runtime: 88 min
  • Writer: Wilson Hawthorne, Bill Schreiber
  • Director: Bill Rogers, Bill Schreiber, R. Douglas Zipperer
  • Cast: Georgia Chris, Amy Simon, McCayne Blomberg
  • Keywords:
15% – Critics
15% – Audience

Blackwater Storyline

Four big-city girlfriends on an adventure vacation in the Florida Everglades look forward to fun and excitement in one of the world’s most legendary wilds.But what begins as the annual girls getaway they’ll always remember descends into a terrifying nightmare they’ll never forget when they become the prey of a depraved backwater clan who know they have the girls right where they want them… alone and defenseless.Overpowered and on the run, all the friends have is each other as they’re forced deeper and deeper into the Glades to face a horrifying test of courage that pushes them to the edge. And they confront just how far they must go to survive.—Doug Zipperer

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Blackwater Movie Reviews

Blackwater: Passable but badly flawed

Not to be confused with all the other films of the same name (Including one thats just come out this year) Blackwater tells the story of 4 girls who go on an adventure camping in the everglades. Things turn sour however when they run afoul of a trio of rednecks.

The first 50% of the movie is character development which is adequate but does drag a tad. The cast are just about competent and the sights are beautiful, both of the everglades and its stunning wildlife.

When things actually begin to take place they feel rushed, there is very little actual development and the threat feels rather lacking. At no real point do these women seem in much danger so it all comes across quite trivial.

The rednecks themselves are lifeless, the action is non-existent and the whole thing comes across rather neutered.

Shoulda coulda woulda been better.

The Good:

Some really nice scenery

Everything is just about passable

The Bad:

Very tame stuff considering the subject matter

Very slow build

Not exactly what the cover suggests it is

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If you want me to care about a character, don’t make them a hunter

Rednecks need a union, they are presented so badly in movies!

Gender twist variant of Deliverance

BLACKWATER is a very cheap gender twist variant of DELIVERANCE, a film whose plot is ripped off extensively for this otherwise generic and uninteresting picture. The problems with this film are manifest from the outset, with extremely cheap production values throughout meaning that it has a fake look. The only thing they get right is that they filmed it in the Florida Everglades, which you can’t fake and which look great.

A bunch of whiny and irritating actresses decide to head off to Florida on an adventure holiday, so the viewer is exposed to the usual mind-numbing set up of the story before anything happens. There’s a sudden attack by the usual redneck types, a little violence, and then pursuit. All of the major plot twists are copied from DELIVERANCE, with one exception: none of the main characters dies here. That’s right, it’s a play it safe thriller with minimal exploitation, which I should imagine will be off-putting to the majority of potential viewers.

Micro-budget version of “Deliverance” with females as the protagonists

Four women in their late 20s enjoy a girl-getaway in the Everglades riding ATVs, hiking, camping and canoeing. The vacation turns harrowing, however, when they stumble across three malevolent swamp rats.

“Blackwater” (2007) is just what my title blurb says, a combination of “Deliverance” (1972) and “I Spit on Your Grave” (1978) set in the wetlands of southern Florida. You have to appreciate micro-budget Indies to enjoy it. While the acting is definitely second-rate, the colorful cinematography is top-of-the-line and the music is quite good.

Anyone who wants to see the awesome beauty of the Everglades region and the wildlife thereof, this is the flick to see. In this manner it’s similar to “Piranha” (1972), the one with William Smith, which works as a tour guide of Venezuela.

The four females (two blondes, a brunette and a redhead) are definitely 5-7 years beyond the traditional college age, which makes them more three-dimensional and less shallow party-oriented Spring Breakers. While they’re all uniquely attractive, each of them could stand to eat a cheeseburger or two to add some curves. The only one I find personally alluring is the redhead, Kat (McCayne Blomberg), but brunette Angie (Georgia Chris) is interesting as the gung-ho member.

Meanwhile the three nasty yokels were well-chosen and look the part.

Unfortunately, “Blackwater” lacks the depth of “Deliverance.” The script needed more meat on the bones. Still, if you don’t mind really low-budget productions, it has its highlights.

The film runs 1 hour, 22 minutes, and was shot at Devil’s Garden in southern Florida.