The Perfect Assistant (2008)

22% – Critics
22% – Audience

The Perfect Assistant Storyline

RACHEL (Josie Davis), 30, is the perfect assistant to her boss DAVID (Chris Potter), 42. For the past three years, she’s done everything in her power to help David manage everything that comes with running a boutique advertising agency. The problem is… she’s fallen hopelessly in love with him in the process. She’s never acted on her feelings because David is married to a beautiful woman named CAROL, 38, and has a young daughter, ISABELLE, 7. But when Carol contracts encephalitis, an impatient Rachel begins to feel that maybe this is her chance to show David that she should be the one he comes home to every night. Rachel does her best to help David through his wife’s illness, gets closer to his daughter, and even orchestrates situations where she can be alone with him. David welcomes her help, unknowingly fostering a growing obsession in Rachel that will ultimately end in disaster when she finds out he doesn’t feel the same way…

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Danishsubtitle The.Perfect.Assistant.2008.dvdrip.x265.da
Danishsubtitle The.Perfect.Assistant.2008.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT

The Perfect Assistant Movie Reviews

A Slowburner Of A Psychological Thriller.

Be aware you have to stay with this film for it to gell together correctly. At the start of the movie, my finger was hovering over the off button for at least the first twenty minutes. I was close to the pressing point. But something in my mind stopped me from depressing the button.

The story starts out with David Prescott’s (Potter) wife Carol (Marcil) being rushed to the hospital. David contacts his personal assistant, Rachel (Davis), to bring her up to speed and to cancel and rearrange meetings until his wife is better. However, Rachel isn’t as stable as she appears. She sees David as one of the good men and is truly upset to hear about his wife. She asks how their daughter, Isabelle (Szalankiewicz) is coping. From here on in we get to see her slowly immerse herself into the Prescott’s life and family as her delusion grows. It’s this growth and the path it leads her down that makes this movie watchable. It gives the story twists and turns that show the workings of a broken mind. Her morals lose ground as her infatuation and obsession grow… how far will she go in what she believes to be true love?

I believe that had this been given to a stronger cast and director it would have been a fantastic thought-provoking and chilling film. However, what we get is an entertaining and easily watchable afternoon TV movie.

Though the direction is pretty standard for this style of flick more powerful atmosphere and tension were called for to add strength to the project. For me, the worst thing about the film was the acting. Especially from Josie Davis who is a little too over the top with her characterisation – less definitely would have been more. However, it’s not a constant thing as there are times when she’s spot on with her portrayal. Then there’s Deborah Pollitt as Nora… okay, so I actually know people like this so she conveys a realistic character, however, with Josie Davis’ performance it makes Pollitt’s idiosyncrasies more than a little irritating. One annoying character per film is enough.

Since this film surprised me I would recommend it to all psychological thriller fans, though you have to stay with it for the full effect – it’s a potboiler.

One Of The Better Ones

I really liked this movie, it was very entertaining.

Josie Davis was great as the obsessive, deluded assistant to her , fairly niave , widowed boss. She portrayed the part really well , I even found myself feeling sorry for her a few times ! , thats a compliment to her acting, not my thinking like her !!!!

This movie was definitely one of Lifetimes better ones, the acting was good ,, and the storyline, while a little farfetched , was scripted well and the characters were mostly likeable.

I do recommend it , give it a go.

Rachel’s Little Doll House

There is a revealing image in the film when the former orphan and waif, Rachel Partson, is playing with a cutaway doll house. This is the orphan’s ideal of what she never had after she lost both of her parents. Now, as an adult, Rachel wants to reclaim her birthright with the man of her dreams, her boss named David Wescott and his little daughter Isabelle.

Rachel grew up is as loving a family as one could hope for, given her circumstances as an orphan. But it was never good enough for little Rachel, as she was envious of Nora, the girl she grew up with in the kind family that provided for her. Sadly, Nora will be one of the two murder victims of the deranged Rachel in her maniacal obsession with David. Nora’s big mistake was to discover the DVD of the home movie of David that Rachel stole and to dare to insult Rachel by calling her out for her aberrant behavior.

With her leverage as David’s “executive assistant,” Rachel uses the inside information she gleans at the office to worm her way into David’s life. After murdering David’s wife Carol through lethal injection at the hospital, Rachel makes her move. Her biggest coup is to land a trip to New York with David and his little daughter Isabelle. She does so by duping the kind, immigrant nanny Ileana and by poisoning Judith Manion. But in the film’s turning point in the New York hotel, Rachel makes the fatal mistake of kissing him. That moment is the start of David’s awakening to a monster in his midst.

Stylistically, the film’s most ingenious moments were brief soliloquys, wherein we hear Rachel thinking out loud as she masterminds her plot to woo and win David. Whether alone in the bathroom or the elevator, Rachel reveals to us the workings of her wacko mind as she thinks aloud. Her mind keep coming back to the notion that David loves her, despite all the evidence to the contrary. When Rachel blurts out lines like “This can’t happen!,” we know that she means business!

The best of the secondary characters is the wily Wally, one of Rachel’s co-workers in the Wescott firm. Wally is the office gossip, who reveals information which Rachel uses to blackmail Grady, who drops out of the competition for the Kirkland account that will save David’s company.

When Rachel crashes the party at the celebratory banquet, she is actually correct when she tells the group at gunpoint that that the employees should be grateful to her for saving their jobs and avoiding eating convenience store sandwiches while standing in the unemployment line. But her means to the end suggest that her talents would be more suited to a long-term stay in a mental institution. It is there that Rachel Partson may finally get the help that she needs.