George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! (2008)


George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Storyline

It’s Bad For Ya, Carlin’s Emmy-nominated 14th and final HBO special from March of 2008 features Carlin’s noted irreverent and unapologetic observations on topics ranging from death, religion, bureaucracy, patriotism, overprotected children and big business to the pungent examinations of modern language and the decrepit state of the American culture. Carlin once again comes up with an hour of brand new material that not only makes you laugh, but makes you think. George Carlin will always remain part of the popular lexicon for his ‘Seven Dirty Words’ routine, and as a comedian who was never afraid to challenge his audience.

George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Play trailer

George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Photos

George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Torrents Download

720pbluray633.81 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:694C43D4F303F41AC2C09F6DCA3BD8121EC2ED96
1080pbluray1.15 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:E607F83DE70C26BD7991D8D4D8E851601A7D1862

George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Subtitles Download

Englishsubtitle George.Carlin.Its.Bad.For.Ya.2008.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE
Englishsubtitle George.Carlin.Its.Bad.For.Ya.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U
Englishsubtitle George.Carlin.Its.Bad.For.Ya.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264-HD4U
Farsi/Persiansubtitle George.Carlin.Its.Bad.for.Ya.2008.720p.BrRip

George Carlin… It’s Bad for Ya! Movie Reviews

He tells it raw if you like it or not.

This was George Carlin’s last show and he’ll be missed. Maybe not to everyone but to me he will, as to many others that liked his satirical view on society. On his view on religions I couldn’t agree more with him, on the need to procreate as much as possible and so put our planet in danger by overpopulation I couldn’t agree more with him, on how the whole system is working as they want to control everything you do, as they want you to consume as much as possible I couldn’t agree more with him. I’m pretty sure he didn’t like humans much as they are the parasites of this planet, and if you think about it you got to say he’s right. George Carlin, the satirical comedian that said it raw, that will question anything, he’ll be missed.

The last, and one of the best.

My brother got me hooked on Carlin back in the 70s. I always loved his observational humor. That is, looking at every day things and finding the humor in it, like asking the question,”Have you ever tried to throw away an old waste basket? You can’t do it! They keep bringing back to you!” And asking questions like why is the word kill more acceptable then the “F” word, while making prefect sense with the discussion.

However, during the 90s his stuff was less funny, and more angry. What he seemed to be doing was holding a mirror to society’s face and say ‘take a look!’ At this point, his shows were less of a comedy show, and more of a gripe session. But in all fairness he always made a tremendous amount of sense. He really made you think.

Here was Carlin old and new. He starts out about the fun one could have by getting old, and later slamming the the state of the world. Again making perfect sense.

This was his best since “Jammin’ in New York”, and as it turns out his last.

I think what ‘The Shootist’ was to John Wayne, or ‘A Prairie Home Companion’ to Robert Altman, ‘It’s Bad For Ya’ is to George Carlin. A fond farewell to a true great icon. Love him, or hate him, I think he will be remembered.

hard-edged, take-no-prisoners satire at its finest; Carlin’s best in almost 10 years

It might be a stretch saying this as a die-hard Carlin fan, but the material, both written and as performed, in It’s Bad for Ya is some of the best late-era material yet. At 70 Carlin bounces back from the level of despair (and some of the stumbles in the act itself) from Life is Worth Losing to a special that is firmly structured but loose and playful- or as much as the “old f***” can get- and is continuously, ceaselessly, funny. And funny as in reminiscent of what some of us had going on when watching Back in Town or ‘Diseased’ the first time. The material, even if sounding at times a tinge of the previously done (i.e. the whole bit on children in school and camp like the Children segment in Diseased), is always fresh and with such a sting of truth to everything that it scalds the mind while (here goes) tickling the funny bone.

Going from the topic of death (how long to wait to scratch off a name from the book? six weeks, unless if on the computer scheduler), the facets of communication, looking down from Heaven, spots of God (naturally), kids, and just troublesome gestures involving hats in religion and if people really have “Rights” make up the bulk of the special, centered around the premise that what’s bad for you, plain and simple, is BS. Total, complete BS, which as we also learn (or if you’ve really learned it you’re like the kid waiting at the street corner for a week following dropped off not-quite randomly by the parent) holds the country together. Carlin isn’t necessarily angry though, even if disdain seems to spout out at most turns, even just to observe how horrifying children’s teeth coming in look. It’s skepticism tinged with the feeling that everything is NOT going to be “fine”.

What it comes down to is this: Carlin is to dirty, witty, cautionary stand-up comedy what Yoda is to Jedis everywhere, which is a small spark of hope via crystal clear wisdom in a world where it’s pretty damn hard to get any. At the least, we get classic GC – outrageous lines and bits from the man’s 13th (or is it 14th) comedy special, including as far as an eyebrow-raising observation on people who play Mozart music during a birth!