Confessions (2006)


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Confessions Movie Reviews


This could be seen as the African-American version of “The Girlfriend Experience”. A call girl relates stories of her kinky clients to her psychoanalyst and tries to juggle her career with her home life with a husband who yells at her for missing PTA meetings.

The dialogue, script, acting, directing, and editing are below a college 101 project. Characters are thrown at you. At one point our call girl said she didn’t accept tips and only accepted what she charged. Apparently the writer knows nothing about the escort service where everything is a tip. I was reluctant to write a review out of embarrassment of having to admit I watched this film.

F-bombs, sex, no nudity.

Precious minutes of my have been wasted……

…….watching this worse than awful, painfully terrible piece of garbation. I hate to trash art… but this deserves it.

I can’t believe Tamala Jones decided to go topless for THIS??? I knew watching this movie that it was shot in less than 2 weeks.. but I had no idea it was 9-days. There must have been some decent money offered for a 9-day shoot (think about it… possibly $50K for 9-days work or less?).

Clifton Powell, one of my favorite actors… wasted in this film. Same goes for Lynn Whitfield, Robert G. Smith. Who in the world was the actress that was cast in the role of Cathy? A castaway from Flavor of Love?

This movie plain old sucked.

Don’t waste any time at ALL watching this.

Stunningly bad

I expected this DVD to be at least decent, since it had a far better cast than many direct to video movies. This film, however, never failed to disappoint. There are more holes than plot here. The acting is so bad that the lines seem to have been ad-libbed. It is an amazing feat to have a cast so good in a movie so bad.

The initial premise is decent enough, but there is almost no character development. All the characters seem wooden, and little connection is made to any of them. The facial expressions and mannerisms of the characters is more annoying than anything else. Lynn Whitfield’s character is more than a little creepy. Woodbine seems to have been ad-libbing his lines, and sounds unnatural in the role.

As I watched this movie, I found myself wishing grisly ends upon every character. This is truly a wretched effort at film-making.