Frankenstein Reborn (2005)


Frankenstein Reborn Storyline

Baron Frankenstein (cousin of the late scientist who created the famous monster) lives in seclusion on his idyllic island retreat off the coast of Botswana. Here is were he decides to invest his enormous wealth into the research of transient algorithms around Africa’s sub continent. In doing so he unleashes a deadly virus into the atmosphere that mutates and takes on a pathogen like life of its own as it’s sets out to destroy all in its path. All except one thing, the son of Frankenstein’s monster! Will it succeed in destroying the retro virus???—Garry Hawes

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Frankenstein Reborn Movie Reviews

Frankenstein Reborn

Nasty, gory, ultra-violent modern retelling of the Frankenstein story featuring a scientist, Victor Franks(Rhett Giles), relating how he got to be named a murder suspect of several missing associates who were working with him on a privately funded project concerning how nanotechnology *resurrects* dead cells in a quadriplegic patient with tragic results, to a psychiatric doctor, Walton(Thomas Downey)pressured by detectives in getting a confession. It seems that the nanobots surging through the subject, Bryce’s(Joel Hebner) system have dangerous side-effects..Victor’s homicidal fantasies, desires & rage, programmed into the computer that operates the nanobots are causing Bryce to act on them without control over his actions. All of Victor’s associates are targets thanks to his feelings towards them in one way or another. Victor is confronted by Bryce who has become confused and disturbed by his doctor’s fantasies desiring for them to end. Victor, knowing that the project would cease if everything was ended, shoots Bryce, claiming to his fellow surgeon, Hank(Jeff Denton)that it was suicide. Together Victor and Hank resurrect his body using their nanotechnology creating a monster after their experiments cause great physical damage, especially to Bryce’s face. Bryce kills Hank and escapes from their lab, going on a killing spree acting out those very feelings Victor fantasized about leaving quite a death trail. When Victor’s love, Elizabeth(Eliza Swenson)was one of the beast’s victims, he will perform the same procedure on her, with another innocent being killed in the process. That innocent was a babysitter and the child she was looking after befriended the monster, helping the police semi-identify that what Victor was saying isn’t just the insane ramblings of a very disturbed man.

I certainly wouldn’t say that this THE ASYLUM release adds anything interesting or fresh to the oft-told story of Frankenstein and his mad creation, but it does feature plenty of cheap thrills for gore-hounds such as limbs plucked from victim’s bodies, a gruesome decapitation, Victor and Hank’s bloody surgical experiments on Bryce’s dead body, and a face is shot by the victim’s own gun. We get a look into Victor and Liz’s kinky sexual activity. But, the film basically is a slasher movie with the monster killing Victor’s friends/associates in various ways. Nothing really original or exciting here unless you want to see some of the same gory violence one sees a lot in the slasher genre. I personally didn’t think the characters were that interesting or the actors/actresses that portrayed them. Pretty cheap-looking as well. I’d say look elsewhere for better films based on Frankenstein.

Frankenstein Reborn: Ever so slightly above The Asylum par

This modern retelling of Mary Shelleys classic Frankenstein is brought to you by The Asylum, do I really need to continue?

Asylum is infamous for making bad movies and “Mockbusters” and here we have one of three connected movies by them where it appears they were trying to create a monster universe. First came this then Beast of Bray Road (2005) and then Dracula’s Curse (2006) so we have Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman on display.

For some reason they have much of the same cast yet playing different characters which seems like a poor choice. Then again it’s The Asylum so I shouldn’t be surprised.

Again it’s a very loose modern adaptation, certain elements will look familiar but ultimately it forges it’s own identity and that’s more than slightly a bad thing. Frankenstein Reborn ticks all the usual Asylum boxes, yet is actually a bit better than usual somehow.

The creature looks better than you’d imagine, and the plot is passable. Sadly that’s where it ends, the acting is appalling, the pacing is bizarre and the whole thing just doesn’t flow.

Passable for an Asylum film, still bad compared to everything else.

The Good:

The monster looks okay

The Bad:

Victor “Frank”, really?

A few plot holes

Poorly constructed

Sarah Lieving is wasted

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

It’s like the Asylum is making one of every movie just so they can prove they can’t make anything successfully

Australian-American-Italian-Swiss Victor Frank who graduated from Harvard just didn’t sit right with me

Tries hard but fails to compensate for its amateurish roots

The film was made in 9 days and it shows. In particular, the budget obviously wasn’t large enough to cover a decent recording system. Through out the film in scenes of dialog (and for a horror film there are a LOT of scenes of dialog), the character in screen is recorded loud and clear and the off screen, second voice is inaudible.

Music video-style fast cuts and scene shifts that move backwards and forwards in time are not so much confusing as meant to try and downplay the lack of much plot or its illogic.

The cast is generally quite good and makes a good attempt to overcome the inadequacies of the script and production.