San Pietro (2005)

  • Year: 2005
  • Released: 24 Oct 2005
  • Country: Italy
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Italian, English
  • MPA Rating: PG-13
  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 197 min
  • Writer: Francesco Arlanch, Salvatore Basile, Gianmario Pagano
  • Director: Giulio Base
  • Cast: Omar Sharif, Daniele Pecci, Flavio Insinna
  • Keywords: apostle, bible, crucifixion, saint peter, early church, disciples,

San Pietro Storyline

Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film’s first half dramatizes the New Testament’s “Acts”: early fear, the renewal of Pentecost, Saul’s conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and the Apostles’ dispersal. In the second half, an aged Peter goes to Rome to join Paul, arriving on the day of Paul’s arrest. Paul’s death brings a crisis to Rome’s Christians and to Peter; lessons from Jesus’s teachings guide his decision to stay. Events within the fictive household of Persius, a Roman aristocrat, capture the upheaval that Christian teachings bring to the Eternal City.—

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Englishsubtitle St.Peter.2005.DVDRip.XviD-VH-PROD

San Pietro Movie Reviews

Brilliant movie filled with Christian joy and love

“One heart, one soul”

These words that appear many times in the magnificent latest movie by Giulio Base are not just the words that relate to early Christian attitude but they are clearly reflected throughout the film made with honest effort and great faith both from the crew and the cast. I have seen many religious historical epics. Nevertheless, I have to admit that seldom have I seen such a purely faithful movie where almost each moment is an experience. Let me discuss some of the aspects of the film that make it a brilliant piece of film art.

CONTENT: Giulio Base’s film can be divided into two parts concerning the content. The first part discusses purely historical events from the New Testament, beginning with the death and resurrection of Christ and going on to Apostles’ meetings, conversions to the new faith, quarrels who actually has the right to be baptized, persecutions from Jews, the miraculous story of Saul/Paul, and ending with Peter’s journey to the heart of the empire, Rome. The events showed in the second part take place primarily in Rome, with some fictitious characters that are contextualized in the whole life stories of Peter and Paul. We see two families whose lives are connected by love and faith. Claudius Maximus (Ettore Basi), the son of a wealthy Roman, Persius (Ennio Caltorti), falls in love with a Christian girl Silvia (Bianca Guaccero). He does not see any benefit in the new faith at first but slowly starts to believe in the Son of God. Will this help him retain good relations with his family? Moreover, a mystery from his family’s past is revealed at the moment of the death of Claudius’ Grandma… In the other family, David (Flavio Insinna), the masked gladiator called Trachus, fights on arena as a gladiator. However, he hides this truth from his Christian wife, Anna (Claudia Koll). Yet, his life in two worlds cannot last forever and he once has to stand before the choice… earthly or spiritual freedom?… Among these vivid stories, the director shows Peter-Paul relations. Sometimes, they are exaggerated because these two have not met so many times and probably died on the same day not having met in prison before. Yet, it must be treated rather in the symbolic way. The primary fact about them is that they were the two greatest Apostles of Christ’s Church. In the end, we see the persecutions of Christians and Peter who leaves Rome and meets the Lord on his way who is going to be crucified again…

BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS: The film is filled with a number of magnificent scenes that I deeply experienced to tears. If you decide to see the movie, pay attention to little aspects that are perhaps not so clear at once but noticed after a longer inspection. These aspects, which I noticed at the second viewing, are the real pearls of the film. These are, among many others, the visit at Cornelius’ in Caesarea, the Eucharist in prison, the symbolic moment of joy at Christ’s resurrection, the conversation with a prostitute (“Is there really such a God who will forgive?”) or Paul’s miraculous way for Damascus. Except for the above, I will never forget Sylvia-Claudius conversation in his beautiful gardens. “What do you lack? What more is there that can make you happy? asks Claudius. Immediately, the question is answered by a voice coming from the streets of Rome “Jesus is true happiness!” I also loved the moment of retrospection in time. Peter decides to put up his mission in Rome but unintentionally comes back in memory to the words of Christ: “You are the rock and on this rock I shall build my Church”. The end is also unbelievably beautiful and touching, which refers to one historical and spiritual fact: Rome has changed forever and the whole world will never be the same since the Redeemer makes all things new…

CAST: Among the films about Peter’s elderly years in Rome, Omar Sharif portrays the fishermen of people in the most memorable way I have seen so far: better than Dennis Quiley in A.D (1985), more authentic than Franciszek Pieczka in QUO VADIS? (2000), even more appealing than Finlay Currie in Hollywood’s monumental production QUO VADIS? (1951) by Mervyn LeRoy. He is great with that blink in his eyes that probably real saint Peter had and at showing love for all men that real saint Peter learned from his Lord. Omar Sharif is magnificent and even if you are not religious, you will love this film thanks to his performance. Other cast are not that famous but they give fine performances, too. I particularly liked Bianca Guaccero in the role of gentle young girl Silvia, so in love with Claudius. Among others, these are Italian cast who very well fit to the roles of the Romans.

LOCATIONS: There is one more reason why I like the movie. The landscapes that the film shows are very much like the ones in Palestine. After my journey to the Holy Land, I deeply feel this sense of authenticity. Therefore, some biblical films seemed so unnatural because they were made in wrong locations. Giulio Base’s film does a great job throughout, including the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, the reconstruction of the Jerusalem and the Rome of the 1st century. So far, such an authentic film concerning locations was Franco Zeffirelli’s production with Robert Powell.

I would recommend everyone to see this film, no matter if old or young, Christian, Jew or Muslim, believer or atheist. It is a splendid film which is not a “Christian propaganda” as some cynical people unjustly call such films. It is the film which primarily focuses on the dignity, freedom and love of every human being. 10/10 Excellent movie that I dream to see for the third time!

In Short: The film is about the life of the early Church after Jesus’ Crucifixion and how St. Peter led them until his death in Rome

I’m sorry to burst any religious bubbles here, but it was one of the most disappointing portrayals of this amazing time of Church history I have ever seen. I was very excited when I saw this film in the video store and with Easter coming up. I thought it would be a very appropriate for the time of year. I also was excited to see Omar Sharif as St. Peter and I thought this movie was going to be pretty good. Omar Sharif didn’t disappoint, however, just about everything else did. With one exception: The cinematography, which was quite beautiful at times.

However the acting was terrible. I was trying to figure out why their voices were out of sync, and I thought, “Oh well it’s an Italian film.” But Sharif’s mouth as did other actor’s seemed to be speaking English. There are few who looked like they were speaking another language (assume Italian) hence the dub, but the majority was terribly out of sync. It’s listed as an English speaking film, so I don’t know what happened. To be honest, I think “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” was in better sync.

The direction was something to be desired. It almost seemed as if the director Giulio Base did one take on everything and said, “That’ll work, let’s fix it in post if needed”. When it seemed that Base was trying to create an “individual moment”, it only worked because of Sharif. However, with the dubbing/sync issues some of it was absolutely laughable. Especially whenever the character Mark (Possibly the Gospel Author) would cry (Which seemed to be more than my 3 year old daughter). It just wasn’t believable.

The story itself seemed relevant and historically plausible until we get to Rome and we’re introduced to a fictional, forbidden, love story and to a fictional slave family, whose father is a masked gladiator. This is when the wheels fell off completely for me. The story moves into the realm of nonsense and it’s unclear what is fact and what is fiction. In Rome, all of a sudden these two fictionalized B & C story lines are introduced after almost 90 minutes into the film. I didn’t care about these people, I cared about Peter and Paul and wanted to know what happened to them, the other stories just seemed thrown in there by a studio or executive producers thinking we needed a love story. It was a distraction rather than an enhancement.

If one of the underlying objectives of this film is to show Rome and St. Peter as the beginning of the Papacy and the establishment of the Holy See then this fictional tale of this family and the two forbidden lovers just deflates the authority of this story. In addition, the gladiator fight scenes looked like two 10 year-olds playing Power Rangers on their front lawn. The “out of the blue” conversion at the end of the Roman official who hated Peter and resisted Christianity the whole time is never addressed, but he’s given the final words as St. Peter hangs from the cross to the effect, “All of Rome has changed because of you Peter”. Why on earth would you allow that, in addition to people just sitting around as if Peter is being crucified in their living room? If this happened like this I don’t know, but due to above mentioned fictional aspects of the film I doubt the scenes accuracy. The only aspect that I do know was true was Peter being crucified upside down and the words he used, which were beautiful “I am not worthy to die in same manner as our Lord”.

I don’t even want to get started on the editing, which had no rhythm and pulled us out of scenes like smelling salt did to Apollo Creed in Rocky I & II. Editor Alessandro Lucidi as is Base, is no strangers to this genre. However if the director doesn’t give you anything to cut out from to cut to then you’re stuck with what you have I guess.

The story was too spoon fed for me, almost written for a 12 year old audience. I would recommend the film for Catholic school students grades 4th – 8th. I don’t think a lot of Evangelicals or Protestants would approve of the story due to its portrayal (however true it may be) of the establishment of Rome as the “Heart of Christ Church” as Sharif’s St. Peter put it. However, maybe somehow the Holy Spirit can overcome the obstacles of this film and deliver the message it was trying to make to those mentioned above. I just think the filmmakers missed a great opportunity to deliver a powerful and true story. Peter and Paul keep talking about “The Truth” but in the context of this film “The Truth” comes into question. I have feeling the producers might have come into the edit bay after the director’s cut and really messed this film up, because I can’t buy that Base would make the decisions he made.

Interesting retelling at the life and teachings of St. Peter from a Biblical , historical and religious view point

Expensively mounted Biblical production with mostly Italian star-cast and spectacularly filmed in Italy , but overlong , in fact the length of this TV movie runs 4 hours and 25 minutes . Two men changed the world forever : Jesus Christ and his main disciple : St Peter . A colorful version of Peter’s life with a true epic treatment and following the Catholic canon and being marvellously shot . Peter was considered along with James the Just and John the Apostle as pillars of the Church .The leadership of Peter forms the basis of the Apostolic succession and the institutional power of orthodoxy, and is described as “the rock” on which the church will be built. Catholics refer to him as chief of the Apostles . As Peter is always listed first among the Twelve Apostles in the gospels and in the Book of Acts . Peter is often depicted in the gospels as spokesman of all the Apostles . He is also frequently mentioned in the gospels as forming with James the Elder and John a special group within the Twelve Apostles, present at incidents at which the others were not present, such as at the Transfiguration of Jesus, at the raising of Jairus’ daughter and at the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane , Death and Resurrection . As Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians contains a list of resurrection appearances of Jesus, the first of which is an appearance to Peter . In John’s Gospel, Peter is the first person to enter the empty tomb, although the women and the beloved disciple see it before him . And of course , all four canonical gospels recount that, during the Last Supper, Jesus foretold that Peter would deny him three times before the following cockcrow (“before the cock crows twice” in Mark’s account). According to Christian tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome under Emperor Nero.He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome-or pope-and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church. This highly regarded epic deals with a dramatic recreation of the life of St. Peter from his meeting with Jesus . Through miracles , Jesus succeeds in allaying the doubts of Simon the Fisher called Peter (Omar Shariff) and even those of Thomas, the skeptic , and shortly after , Matthew the tax collector who becomes a follower of Jesus, despite the other disciples’ mistrust . Jesus Christ’s (Johannes Brandrup) journey from Galilee to Golgotha is portrayed here in thought-provoking as well as original treatment by using some flashbacks . Including Christ evangelization , Crucifixion , Resurrection , through the Ascention and the renewal of Pentecost. Concerning about the wonderful life, work and death of Peter , a reluctant but passionate leader , as we know it from the Bible , adding his relation to St. Paulus (Daniele Pecci) Virgen Maria , Christ’s Mother (Lina Sastri) , Maria Magdalena (Milena Miconi) and other Apostles : Mattias (Lionello) , Barnabe (Mariani) , Filippo (Abenayake) … The film includes all of the major events referred to in the New Testament with descriptive Biblical passages from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own, his life in Jerusalem , Antioch , and Rome where Peter knows he has a destiny to fulfill. The film’s first half dramatizes the New Testament’s “Acts”: early fear, as his followers disciples are already slowly beginning to gather around him , Saul’s conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and his relationship to other apostles and so on and finally the Apostles’ dispersal. Peter went to Antioch where Paul rebuked him for following the conservative line regarding the conversion of Gentiles, having meals separate from Gentiles . Subsequent tradition held that Peter had been the first Patriarch of Antioch. Later on , Peter and Paul founded the Church of Rome and the Church of Corinth, and they have lived in Corinth for some time, and definitively in Italy where they found death and there Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans about AD 57 . In the second half, an elderly Peter goes to Rome to join Paul, bringing to the Eternal City the Christian teachings and arriving on the day of Paul’s arrest. Paul’s death brings a crisis to Rome’s Christians and to Peter ; lessons from Jesus’s teachings guide his decision to stay. The apocryphal Acts of Peter is the source for the tradition about the Latin famous phrase “Quo vadis, Domine?” which means “Where are you going, Lord?”. According to the story, Peter, fleeing Rome to avoid execution meets the risen Jesus. In the Latin translation, Peter asks Jesus, “Quo vadis?” He replies “I am going to Rome to be crucified again”. Peter then gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, where he is martyred . Early Church Tradition says that Peter probably died by crucifixion (with arms outstretched) at the time of the Great Fire of Rome in the year 64. This took place three months after the disastrous fire that destroyed Rome for which the emperor (Nero) wished to blame the Christians. This “dies imperii” (regnal day anniversary) was an important one, exactly ten years after Nero ascended to the throne, and it was ‘as usual’ accompanied by much bloodshed. Traditionally, Roman authorities sentenced him to death by crucifixion. In accordance with the apocryphal Acts of Peter, he was crucified head down.Tradition also locates his burial place where the Basilica of Saint Peter was later built, directly beneath the Basilica’s high altar .

Breathtaking story set in Christ times with emphasis in religious motives , lavish costumes and crowds . This is an impressive story of the life of St. Peter filmed on a relatively grand scale , being efficiently directed by Giulio Base . However , not completely reverential at some Biblical characters . Life of Peter is intelligently told , including glowing cinematography by Giovanni Galasso , an attractive visual style , memorable soundtrack by Marco Frisina and decent cast giving larger-than-life interpretation . Sensitive though aged Omar Shariff in exactly the right role , he gives a dedicated effort at the character , his acting has power , nobility, subtlety and sensibility . However , some scenarios and outdoors lack of authenticity and unrealistic , being extremely green and lush .