Beneath Still Waters (2005)

9% – Critics
false% – Audience

Beneath Still Waters Storyline

Two boys make a pact to do something brave, crazy and dangerous. They will see their town one last time before a man-made lake floods it forever, burying it under the deep lake. Everyone’s been evacuated – just the church, the homes, the abandoned shops remain. Only the eerie buildings…still hiding secrets that no one suspects. The two boys walk through the doomed ghost town. But the boys discover that the town isn’t quite deserted. And they are trapped as a massive wall of water crashes down on the town. Time passes, and the whispered secrets of the town have been long forgotten. But now, fifty years after vanishing, the sunken town comes alive again. A boy vanishes swimming on a moonlit night while his girlfriend looks on. The very shoreline turns hungry, pulling people into the water. And below-below where it’s incredibly cold and dark, the sunken town waits. Because beneath still waters something ancient now stirs. A forgotten legend lives again. Half a century ago they thought they had buried this horror forever. But you can’t kill what was never really alive. And the massive stone walls of the Dam must soon burst and what was an incredible myth, will become a deadly reality.—Filmax International

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Beneath Still Waters Movie Reviews

A dammed mess (dammed…damned…geddit? Oh never mind…).

After years producing and directing in the US, Brian Yuzna eventually left the States to set up shop in Spain; judging by the awful Beneath Still Waters, he’s either been overdoing the Sangria or not taking enough siestas. Whatever the reason, it’s hard to believe that this mess was directed by the same guy that gave us the twisted classic Society and the delightfully gory Return Of The Living Dead 3.

Yuzna’s watery waste-of-time starts in the abandoned Spanish town of Marienbad, with two boys freeing Mordecai Salas, the leader of a Satanic cult, just as the area is about to be flooded by a new dam. Forty years later, as the locals prepare to mark the anniversary of Desbaria, the town that was built to replace Marienbad, a series of strange deaths occur which suggest that Salas, trapped deep beneath the water for so long, is about to surface. In order to save Desbaria, a photojournalist named Dan (Michael McKell), a TV news reporter, Teresa (Raquel Meroño), and her pretty daughter Clara (Charlotte Salt) must do battle with the supernatural forces that are intent on destroying the town.

Featuring a European cast who, with the exception of a couple of Brits, struggle with the English dialogue, Beneath Still Waters is a badly scripted, poorly acted and dreary piece of nonsense that is enlivened occasionally by some fairly decent gore and loads of nudity. Yuzna’s direction is uninspired, there is far too much reliance on cheap digital effects during the many underwater scenes, and the story often makes little or no sense (eg. why does Salas wait for forty years under the lake before emerging?).

To be fair, Yuzna does manage one or two inspired moments—the best being the town’s celebration, which turns into a debauched orgy—but with so much mundane drivel between the few high points, Beneath Still Waters deserves to sink without a trace.

Brian Yuzna is beginning to lose his touch.

Brian Yuzna is a director who almost never has disappointed me. He’s inventive and he knows what fans wants. The only ones that I haven’t liked is “The Progeny” and “Tarzan: The Epic Adventures TV Movie”. But after moving to Spain to join Filmax developed label Fantastic Factory things have begun to go downwards. I really liked “Beyond Re-Animator” but his “Rottweiler” was just terrible. I was very, very disappointed with that movie. And now we have “Beneath Still Waters”.

The story is about a water filled ghost town with a dark past. Strange things are happening and people are showing up dead. A female reporter and a newly arrived photo journalist are teaming up to investigate the surroundings. Sounds pretty good to me.

First I must say I liked it a whole lot better than “Rottweiller” but it still left me very unsatisfied. Things aren’t developed very good, the characters are not that interesting, the gore is there but it leaves much more to be desired, there’s too little monster action, we’ve seen the ending hundreds of time before etc.

I’m not saying I didn’t like it, I was just expecting more. Some good diving footage, one cool monster, some tension and atmosphere, a cool beginning, Diana Peñalver (“Braindead”) in a small part. But overall a rather tame effort by Yuzna. You can do better.

The Town of Evil

In 1965, in Northern Spain, a dam will be built to bring progress to the location of Desbaria and the town of Marienbad is near to be completely flooded. Two boys, Teo and Luis, cross the security boundary to play in the evacuated town and Teo listen to voices in the abandoned church. They find a group of strange people chained in the watered basement, Teo releases their leader Mordecai Salas (Patrick Gordon) and is killed by him. Forty years later, in the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Debaria Dam, the teenager Antonio (Damià Plensa) vanishes in the lake while swimming with his girlfriend Susana (Pilar Soto) and their friend Clara Borgia (Charlotte Salt). The police divers, with the support of the outsider photo journalist Dan Quarry (Michael McKell) that is filming the submerged Marienbad to write a matter about the town, try unsuccessfully to find the body. When eerie things happen in the spot, Dan and the local journalist and daughter of the builder of the dam Teresa Borgia (Raquel Meroño) disclose dark secrets about Marienbad, Salas and his evil cult of the power of the flame.

I am a big fan of Brian Yuzna, but “Beneath Still Waters” is a huge deception. The screenplay is a complete and flawed mess, with terrible development of characters and situations and many shameful lines. The acting in general is not good, and the lead pair shows no chemistry. The special effects are very reasonable, and I believe many actors and actresses have been dubbed in English. The sequence of the bacchanal recalls the disturbing cult “Society” in the debut of this great director. Unfortunately his two last works (“Rottweiler” and “Beneath Still Waters”) are very disappointing. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): “Mistério no Lago” (“Mystery in the Lake”)