Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container (2002)


Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container Storyline

FOREIGNERS OUT! SCHLINGENSIEFS CONTAINER is a thrilling, insightful, funny chronicle and reflection of one of he biggest public pranks and acts of art terrorism ever committed. Austria 2000: Right after the FPÖ under Jörg Haider had become part of the government, the first time an extreme right wing party became state officials after WW2, infamous German shock director Christoph Schlingensief showed a very unique form of protest. Realising public xenophobia and the new hate politics in the most drastic ways possible, he installed a public concentration camp right in the middle of Vienna’s touristic heart, right beside the picturesque opera where hundreds of tourists and locals pass by daily. And it was no concentration camp you had ever feared to return from the old times, but one that cynically reflected our new multimedia culture. Satirising reality TV shows, “Big Brother” especially, a dozen asylum seekers were surveilled by a multitude of cameras, could be fed and watched by passer-by’s and two were thrown out of the country through web-voting. The way fascism looks in the 21st century: Bright. Sensational. Interactive. Funny – and frightening. Austria freaked out. Thousands of screaming people gathered. Attacks with knifes, beatings, acid occurred. Political intrigues. Headlines all over Europe. 800,000 worldwide joined via internet. An incredibly heated week, capturing the European right-wing drift in real time. Democracy the hard way.

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Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container Movie Reviews

Interesting idea, mostly solid execution

“Schlingensiefs Container – Chronik einer Kunstaktion” is an Austrian 90-minute documentary from 2002, so this one has its 15th anniversary this year. It was written and directed by Paul Poet and it is perhaps his most known effort as of now. This also has to do with the star in here, namely late filmmaker Christoph Schlingensief and here we find out about a project by him that combines the (then) new Big Brother phenomenon with Austrian politics, namely the fact that Haider’s party became part of the government. But in my opinion these are not the ones to blame, but the ones really at fault are those who said they won’t enter a coalition with this party, but still did and that’s how they tricked the Austrian people and their own supporters actually only because their greed to rule could not have been any bigger.

This is emphasized here too, but the problem I have here is that indeed the whole concept is really close to left-wing propaganda and it is all showy and baity and controversial, but it does not get even close to the core of it all. Schlingensief has definitely done better in his career like with Freakstars 3000 that came out a couple years after this one here. Still there is some memorability attached to this project and to the film about it as a consequence, which is why it is a success I guess and why I will be generous with my rating. It wasn’t a bad watch by any means, but fairly mediocre most of the time and in my opinion it is slightly overrated here on IMDb. Whether you want to consider it relevant from a contemporary perspective, especially with the recent German election is up to you to decide. Watch it and make up your mind. All in all a decent watch, but could have been a bit more essential, maybe 15 minutes shorter.


One of the most important and prevailing movies nowadays, where right wing extremism is capturing almost every government in europe and around the world. Not even CH. Schlingensief, this great fighter against racism, right wing extremism could have known in 2002, that Austrian people in 2017 would empower a rout of criminal, corrupt, xenophobic into government. I am so sad about CH. Schlingsiefs passing away so early. We would have needed him today more than ever. On the other hand we austrians can be so proud to have Paul Poet, this brilliant director, writer and producer of the worldwide most important, thrilling and moving documentations. Against all problems and resistencies. Pls. watch his great movie “Empire Me” and “My Talk with Florence” too.


a brilliant documentary film, a really interesting work

I think Auslaender Raus! is a brilliant unusual documentary film based in a very original idea that works out in the best way. In my opinion, it changes the documentary concept to something more thrilling (using interactive media art, public pranks, in a great ironic level), it´s not the outsider view of things, it´s the action itself and it brings a little (or not so little) but intense seed of revolution to us, against this global, violent, weak system we are part of nowadays. Some measures are needed, this film shows that it is us who have to make responsible for the measures that have to be taken, and that art and minds are one great way to do it.

Agustina (from Argentina)