Saturday Night at the Baths (1975)

40% – Critics
false% – Audience

Saturday Night at the Baths Storyline

A musician from Montana finds work and other things at The Continental Baths in New York City, 1974.

Saturday Night at the Baths Photos

Saturday Night at the Baths Torrents Download

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1080pbluray1.36 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:EC1E843F4E09577C728FDC18372709EAB54540B2

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Saturday Night at the Baths Movie Reviews

A time capsule

It’s not a great piece of film making so don’t expect a monumental tour de force of cinema. But as a specific glimpse into a turning point of American history it’s well worth your observation. What is valuable is the the documentation of early 70s gay life and early 70s New York City… Pre-AIDS, pre/cusp gay liberation, a failing NYC under Mayor Beame and a glimpse into the values and lifestyle during a very tumultuous time sandwiched between the free love/rock and roll 60s and the decadent/greed is good 80s. From that sociological perspective it’s worth a watch.

More a document than a movie

I agree with the previous writers on all complaints about this movie. Apparently the owner of Continental Baths decides to make a movie about his just opened establishment in 1975. The script is very thin, the acting is pretty bad at times and the shots even worse. However, given that the movie was made in 1975 at a venue where very little film material is probably available I do think it is worth watching. Don’t watch it because of the script, acting or quality of the movie itself. If you watch as a document of a phenomenon of that time in a dramatized way I think it makes much more sense. The movie can be found on YouTube now.

New DVD has different ending

When I saw this film in Washington DC in 1976 – at the tender age of 16! – I was flabbergasted by the finale, where the two male leads get onto a bed, kissing, completely naked. Fast forward three decades later – when I saw this was available for rental, I sat through the whole thing, and remembered bits and pieces of it. While the very handsome male lead (the bi guy) does get shown nude with his wife, the last scene with the two guys naked got replaced by a scene of them, fully clothed, on the roof of a building talking and kissing. Kind of a letdown! Still it was pretty cool to relive that amazing moment from the seventies when I witnessed gay film-making for the first time.