Female Inquisitor (1987)


Female Inquisitor Storyline

Oversexed female interrogator with a penchant for sadomasochism and torture plots a scheme with her deviant troupe to extort the considerable fortune of a city embezzler.

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Female Inquisitor Movie Reviews

This One Takes A Decidedly Different Approach…

The first two GUTS films were far more splatterific than this most recent entry – RUSTED BODY. Although the sex is far more “erotic” and amped up quite a bit in this one – based on the strong gore elements in the previous installments, I was hoping for a lot more. RUSTED BODY plays out more like a 70’s pinky film minus the intriguing story lines. Lots of tits-and-ass (which is never a bad thing), and a few inventive torture sequences (again, a good thing…) but lacking in anything really “strong” or “controversial”, and that’s what I tend to look for when it comes to the newer era of Japanese “extreme” films.

The storyline is convoluted and threadbare – but it concerns a small “gang” of criminals who use blackmail as their source of income. They set their sights on an adulteress bank worker who embezzled a bunch of cash, and his wife. Using some inventive tortures, including drunken-eel-rape and weiner-tieing, they eventually get the info that they need. Oh – and there’s some thing about this weird bed-invention that makes people real horny…who knows…

RUSTED BODY isn’t a terrible way to blow an hour or so – but it’s nothing really special. Some relatively erotic scenes featuring our two big-titted female leads, nothing real special other than that. If the storyline would have been better, I could have passed it off as a modern-day pinky film. If there would have been (a lot) more gore, I could have praised it as a newer J-gore/sleaze film. Unfortunately, it didn’t have either, so you’re pretty much left with a tame soft-core porn film with a few “strong” scenes. Not bad and worth a look to the “subversive” cinema fans out there, but if you’re down with this type of stuff, you’ve seen it all done before better somewhere else…7/10

Very cool Japanese sleaze.

“Guts of a Virgin 3” is certainly different than the previous “Guts of a Virgin” movies.The film plays like soft core sex comedy with some nasty bits thrown in.The film revolves around the female inquisitor Hiriko Ichijo and her Japan Inquisition Company.She and her gang of sexual deviants use sexual torture on people who steal their money.The plot of “Guts of a Virgin 3” is slightly convoluted and hard to follow,but who cares.There are tons of sleaze and nudity for anyone interested in Japanese pinku cinema.The sex scenes are surprisingly titillating,the direction is solid and there’s plenty of shocking graphics.If you are into Japanese exploitation you can give it a look.8 out of 10.