Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)


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Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Torrents Download

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Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Subtitles Download

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Movie Reviews


Yes, we all know about the usual quality level of licensed releases. No, this does not particularly raise the bar. But it is definitely an entirely reasonable effort, and I would say that if you like the movie, you may enjoy this. I will start with my personal favorite thing about all of Star Wars… the light-sabers. The use of them can be entertaining enough in this, and the way they did them in this(I will keep it vague intentionally so as to not spoil it for those who have not seen the Prequel Trilogy, it is awesome beyond the point that it should be blown) definitely fits(and, lest we forget, this is the only time it has been done this way in this medium, to the best of my knowledge) with the recent silver screen depiction… but for one thing. The speed. They move rather slowly in this, both the sword itself and when they move as they attack with it. There is also not exactly an abundance of different moves. They look real nice, however, in fact, the graphics of this in general are quite well-done. The engine somewhat supports an enormous scope, if you aren’t allowed to go everywhere, which helps the feeling of being in the galaxy far, far away. The architecture can be… blocky, I guess is the word, by which I mean that a lot of… big, square…”things” are found. “Eye-sore” and “distracting” spring to mind. The way they kept you out of areas that you shouldn’t have access to can also be clumsy. The level design on the whole isn’t bad, though… and you get to visit and to some extent explore locations(unless I’m terribly mistaken, all of them) seen in the film. The voice acting varies a bit, and there are points where there is too much dialog. The overall writing is pretty decent… the story is told relatively well, and a little expanding is done. In spite of that, this isn’t that long… I can imagine it could be beat in a weekend. Add to that that the re-playability value is limited to only one single-player campaign, no difficulty settings, and with no more than a sparse breakdown of your performance and time following its completion. There is good stuff in this, though. You get Force Push, and even, at certain points, Mind Trick. The former is especially fun to use, to effects similar to those we’ve seen at the cinema. This is an action adventure game, if anyone was not aware, and both aspects are fairly nicely done. The first-mentioned runs well, letting you fire half a dozen guns or so, and features throw-ables, as well(the method for aiming… don’t even think you’re gonna use a mouse for this… can be a tad trying). The latter portion is fine… the puzzles are arguably easy and tend to be both few and far between, as well. This is seen in the third person, or a mix of that and bird’s-eye-view, and the camera is usually helpful(with a couple of glaringly obvious exceptions), in spite of you not having much sway over it… much at all, and there are some great tricks done with it. This isn’t always perfectly smooth. You get to control multiple different characters(anyone’s who’s watched The Phantom Menace could probably guess who all four of them are, and I’d be happy to tell anyone who asks), each with skills and/or weapons that the others do not, and for my money, all are useful(really, every piece of your arsenal and every ability in this comes in handy herein). I realize it’s not popular, but I do care for the Stunner, if it can be a trial… the concept and execution may be unique, and in spite of a measure of unpredictability to it, it makes for magnificent dispatching of adversaries. The AI can be… well, is, erratic, but there are interesting and noteworthy details to it… for example, I’ve seen foes step out of the line of fire of a projectile headed at them, successfully, as well as move if they are being hit and either can’t see you or don’t appear to be able to shoot straight at you. Sometimes annoying, perhaps, but you gotta admire the technology and effort behind it. The internal logic of this is, more often than not, broken… you may find yourself trying a lot of things that seem like they could be the solution, and it turns out it was something else entirely. The low level of interactivity with your environment doesn’t outright aid you. The game-play is very cool when at its best. This was seemingly rushed, to get them out at the same time, and there is some feel of it being an unfinished project. And if I, or anyone else, really, for that matter, said “buggy” in reference to this, you can be almost 100 percent sure that they do not mean the mode of transportation. This has several cut-scenes, in-game(scripted without errors, more or less) and fully rendered alike, and the last-mentioned are purdy. All are directed just fine. I don’t believe there are any clips of TPM itself in this, I, myself, did not miss them with what we had instead(bearing in mind that I like it more than the other two PT entries). The score is marvelous, save for the remarkably abrupt shifts that there can be. The sound is done well almost invariably, including in the menus, which are concise. The boss fights vary, not all are imaginative, but none are downright poor. The enemies are somewhat well-done and diverse. All in all… I’d conclude that if you dig the flick, you are set for having a solid playing experience, with hours of running around the SW universe with this, provided you can accept blemishes. This is not a flawless masterpiece, but it by no means deserves being branded an utter failure. I recommend this to fans of Episode 1, and the franchise in general. 7/10

Star Wars is back, in pixelated form!

I’d just like to say that the movie was lacking in all departments, acting etc. But i’m not writing about the movie, i’m gonna tell all of you about the rather excellent game that is the tie-in to the movie.

As all gamers should know, tie-ins are usually a cheap cash in to try to squeeze more money out of the franchise. Not in this case, oh no, what we have here is an awesome game which restored my faith in the star wars galaxy.

First off, a good game isn’t a good game if it isn’t addictive. This game is seriously addictive. I could saber my way through hoards of robots all day long. It never gets boring, not once. Even after seven years.

Secondly, the music is beautiful, fast paced and wondrously conducted. You begin to feel like a Jedi, be it a small one, and whether you like it or not, you’ll end up with a huge smile stretching from ear to ear.

And thirdly, the freedom you are given is immense. There is no set way to complete your mission. You don’t have to dive into in straight away, instead you annoy all the gungans with hilarious results, or you can murder innocent children for calling you “a monster”. It’s priceless.

By now, this game should be available for less than five pounds. Do yourself a favour, go out and buy this game. You will never look back.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, may the force be with you.

The closest you’ll ever get to being a jedi knight.

I haven’t played that much games for the last 4 years cause they’ve all been “too much”. But Star Wars Phantom Menace got me going again… I felt like a Jedi when I ran around in the worlds of George Lucas… I played constantly for a few days until I finished the game and killed Darth Maul. Hope Episode 2 comes soon… the movie wasn’t all that great… but the game is a masterpiece.