Across the Line (2000)

62% – Critics
62% – Audience

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Across the Line Movie Reviews

A decent film about border crossing troubles

Seeing this film as a pre-screener for a film festival, I’m in no way connected to this film, which seems to be the suspicious case with the previous two comments, especially the one from Texas. Not because of where it was from, but in the virtual press release that it seems to be.

This film is a well made potboiler, with good performances all around, although my suspicions about the lead actress not necessarily being the best one they could find (I do freelance casting) were confirmed when i saw she co-wrote and co-produced the film. She’s good, but I’m sure someone else could have been better. (Take note,! She ain’t shy.)

The story held me, and Brad Johnson is extremely good. Hey Hollywood, get him a new TV series or TNT western! And get Brian Bloom one, too. (An excellent villain.) But if you’re gonna use Charlie Daniels on the soundtrack and give him a main credit, give him more than the title song. (If he wrote the score, it could have done with a little less Mexican guitar during the shootout scene. A little cliched.)

And how the heck did Adreienne Barbeau agree to such a nothing role? (I won’t give it away why it’s so short.) I just cast an indie film with star talent attached, and I’m amazed they got her to do such a small role. (Cowboy)hats off to the casting director!

If anyone sees this in a video store, it’s a good 97 minutes to spend. If you see it at a film festival, you could do worse. If you see it at a theater, don’t expect greatness. Just a well done good vs. evil film making you root for the hero, and hiss the bad guys.

A surprisingly well delivered drama-romance.

I was very interested to see that Senora Erez was both a co-author and producer of this this movie. The plot brings out the human plight of undocumented workers who seek only a better life. We see Sra. Erez’ impact through various scenes depicting the personal, emotional and every-day similarities between Caucasians and Latinos – showing so clearly we are all the same. The story was very interesting and exciting and the love story arc very believable. I think most any viewer would enjoy this modest movie and appreciate the good performances of all, especially Sra. Erez and Brad Johnson, plus the even, skillful direction by Martin Spottl.

Great movie: Process of elimination

Revealing who is good and who is ROTTEN. If you look deep and listen carefully you will see that it doesn’t matter if you are related to somebody. It does not matter in the end because you can have a toxic family Dysfunctional Family full of wicked people and not even know it until one day you wake up and you realize they are guilty of a gruesome horrendous crime. And worse than that they justify it. So this movie will tell you that family members may be tied by Blood but not all in most cases are good people. There is such thing as toxic family and family members who choose the dark side and the wicked side and the greedy side. I will say one thing the character Brad Johnson portrays is excellent. A real man. A man of strong good morals. A stand-up guy. Dignity. A man of Honor and courage. Rare to find. Fabulous movie.