Drawing Flies (1996)

40% – Critics
37% – Audience

Drawing Flies Storyline

Donner and his roomates are out of money and about to get evicted from their home. So as a diversion from their situation, he invites them to his father’s cabin in the Canadian wilderness. They all go along, but soon learn that there’s no cabin – he’s really trying to find Sasquatch.—

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1080pbluray1.27 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:BF269C7D1C18BBC9351F7D31BE5BF06037ECDF7F

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Drawing Flies Movie Reviews

A Must-See For All View Askew Fans

Judged on it’s own merits, it’s a decent movie. When considered as part of the View Askew universe, it is a whole lot of fun. The basic plot is quite clever, Jason Lee’s performance is excellent, and its a lot of fun to see most of the Mallrats cast reunited for this film. Its a very talky movie, but is never boring.

Of course, this film has it’s share of problems, too. Poor sound, the fact that large sections of the movie seem to be missing ( it is somewhat disjointed and has a running time of less than a hour), plus an ending that I didn’t particularly like.

If you’re not a fan of View Askew, then there is no real reason to watch this movie. If you are a fan, then by all means buy the DVD. After one initial viewing, be sure to watch it again with the cast commentary.

I gave this movie 7 stars.

great film

I can’t see why that there are a lot of negative reviews for this film, it’s very funny. It might not be as good as the one’s directed by Kevin Smith, but so what. The plot is basically Jason Lee taking several friends out in the woods to go to his uncle’s cabin, but his friends find out that there is no cabin after all. Jason Lee and the rest do a good job and you can see Kevin Smith in a cameo in the scene at the party.

Takes me back…

One of the things I enjoyed most when I began to seriously study films was finding (at art houses, for the most part, or at screenings on college campuses) the early efforts of neophyte filmmakers. DRAWING FLIES reminds me of the feeling of satisfaction one gets after a long, arduous search when one comes away from a new discovery feeling that the running time was time well spent. At no point in the proceedings was I bored. There may be some unevenness (mostly of a technical nature, which is the bane of all no-budget productions), but this is excellent low budget filmmaking; take it from someone who’s been there and done that. Would make a good double-bill with Onur Tukel’s black and white first film, HOUSE OF PANCAKES.