Mirror Mirror (1990)

  • Year: 1990
  • Released: 31 Aug 1990
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100156/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mirror_mirror
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Horror, Thriller
  • Runtime: 104 min
  • Writer: Annette Cascone, Gina Cascone, Yuri Zeltser
  • Director: Marina Sargenti
  • Cast: Karen Black, Yvonne De Carlo, William Sanderson
  • Keywords: insanity, hallucination, murder, reflection, woman director,
80% – Critics
30% – Audience

Mirror Mirror Storyline

Shy teenager Megan moves to a new town with her widowed mother and quickly becomes the most unpopular girl in high school. But when she starts to communicate with a mysterious mirror, her tormentors begin to meet with a horrifying series of ‘accidents’. Is the mirror a reflection of Megan’s own inner demons… or has she unwittingly opened the doorway of the damned?—The Voyeur

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Mirror Mirror Movie Reviews

…who’s the gothiest of them all?

Teenager Megan Gordon (Rainbow Harvest) styles herself after Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice, which makes her a laughing stock at her new school, which is populated exclusively by preppy types. Nikki Chandler (Kristin Dattilo), candidate for school president, befriends Megan, but doesn’t realise the danger she is putting herself in by doing so, for Megan is being controlled by the demonic force that resides behind the glass of the antique mirror in her bedroom.

While not particularly original, the idea of mirrors as portals for evil having existed for centuries, Mirror Mirror proves to be an entertaining piece of early ’90s horror thanks to strong performances from a decent cast, solid direction by first-time director Marina Sargenti, and several memorable set-pieces, including a blistering shower scene.

As Megan is slowly seduced by the malevolent being on the other side of her mirror, she sets about evening the score with her tormentors, which means giving school bully Charleen (drop-dead-gorgeous Charlie Spradling) a nose bleed in the cafeteria, causing science teacher Mr. Anderson (Stephen Tobolowsky) to have a seizure, and scaring nosy house clearance lady Emelin (Yvonne De Carlo) away from her prized possession.

Eventually, Megan’s power spirals out of control, resulting in death: when Charleen’s boyfriend Jeff (Tom Bresnahan) spurns her affection, Megan feeds him to the demon; Emelin is impaled by a shard of glass; Megan’s mother Susan (played by horror icon Karen Black) has her arm mangled by the waste disposal; and Nikki’s boyfriend Ron (Ricky Paull Goldin) is killed by an evil doppelganger of his girlfriend. Best of all is Charleen’s death while taking the aforementioned shower: a totally naked Spradling (so hot that she even out-scorched Sherilyn Fenn in Meridian) is scalded all over by jets of steam.

All of this is so much fun that it’s easy to forgive the slightly overlong runtime, the rather confusing ending, and William Sanderson’s limp ponytail.

Fair horror film, capably acted

“Mirror, Mirror” is at its best in the first half, with its simple but effective depiction of school life. In the second half, a few of the death scenes leave something to be desired, but others (bathtub drowning) are good. Karen Black and Yvonne De Carlo may be the draws in the cast, but it’s their younger co-stars that do almost all the hard work: Rainbow Harvest makes a believable transformation from a “Winona Ryder in Bettlejuice” – wannabe to a wicked villainess, Kristin Dattilo is also convincing as one of the sweetest persons you’ll ever meet, and Charlie Spradling plays the spoiled b*tch to perfection (and is downright GORGEOUS to boot). The movie does seem to go on a bit too long, but stick with it because the ending is the cleverest part. (**1/2)

Very Atmospheric

I watched Mirror Mirror many years ago back in I think 1991. I seem to remember it being a pretty good film. After all these years, with the help of EBay, I found another copy and just got done watching it. Very interesting film.

The movie starts out back in the 30’s. A young woman appears to have murdered her friend with an ominous looking mirror in the background. Now, skip to present day (1990), Megan and her mother have just moved into the same house in which that murder took place. The same ominous mirror is still in the house and instead of disposing of it, Megan has grown a liking to it. Now, Megan is a teenager and dresses like a goth kid so naturally she is tormented in the new school she is going to. But, she discovers that this mirror is giving her powers and her tolerance for the kids at school is wearing thin.

I know this description of the movie sounds a bit cheesy but you have to watch the movie to really catch the atmosphere. The camera angling is absolutely wonderful, the score is wonderful, the acting is okay (except Karen Black who is always welcome), the special effects are okay considering that this movies strong point was its atmosphere. And the ending is quite original. All in all, I give this a 7/10. Good effort.