Number One with a Bullet (1987)

false% – Audience

Number One with a Bullet Storyline

After a string of bad luck with their undercover operations, a duo of narcotics cops realizes that there must be a mole in their department, and their suspicion falls on their own captain, who never gives them a break. Nick, the hothead who’s still in love with his ex-wife, is determined to prove that a local respected businessman is the head of the organization. But his pragmatic & debonair partner, Frank, agrees with the entire rest of the police force: Nick is crazy. After a forced vacation, they go a little beyond the law to bust the crime boss & find the mole.—Steve83

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Number One with a Bullet Movie Reviews

“Jesus man. I love being a cop.”

Nothing new, but this routine action comedy (Produced by Cannon’s Golan Globus) with its buddy cops angle gives it plenty of life as Robert Carradine and Billy Dee Williams’ natural chemistry strikes up some amusing dialogue exchanges and messy situations. It’s on the cheap… and it looks it, but this doesn’t fault how enjoyable it happens to be. Cannon simply produces the goods; shattering action (shoot-outs — one in drag and car / truck / air chases), a humorous script (“Old MacDonald had a shotgun”), likable good guys, scummy bad guys and a jazzy soundtrack.

Nick Berzak (known as “Berserk” on the streets) along with his partner Frank Hazeltine are two L.A narcotic detectives, where Berzak believes the mayor of the community just also happens to be a big drug dealer despite everyone including his partner thinking otherwise. Berzak would go to any lengths to prove it, but their undercover operations always seemed to be foiled as if there’s a mole in the department.

Carradine plays his character with a rugged, if crazy edge (he even eats raw meat) while Williams is the opposite as the affably smooth partner (a real ladies man). However they both share a kooky sensibility and use unorthodox methods to get the job done. Some character dramas appear; Berzak’s relationship with his ex-wife (Valerie Bertinelli) opens up another side, while the moments with his mother (Doris Roberts) was another comical inclusion. Barry Sattels made for the perfect slime ball. The support cast is good; Peter Graves, Mykelti Williamson, Bobby Di Cicco, Ray Girardin, Michael Goodwin and Jon Gries. Director Jack Smight visceral handling is sturdy, if at times clumsy but it moves at a comfortably steady clip and Gail Morgan Hickman’s material has a real sense of irony and some running gags (“I’m just talking to myself sir”).

Stock, but entertaining 80s crime hokum.

“Don’t say freeze. It only pisses them off.”

Entirely forgettable

A typical buddy buddy cop thriller of the late ’80s, heavily derivative and sadly too low budget to do much with the premise. The story involves a couple of cops (Carradine and Williams) who go on the trail of nefarious criminals and gradually uncover a minor conspiracy. Peter Graves plays the police chief. It’s amiable enough in a low-to-mid budget way, with some action, but entirely forgettable with it.

Number One

Ah, that most popular of all mismatched buddy cops, Robert Carradine and Billy Dee Williams.

Written by Rob Riley, Andrew Kurtzman (both writers from Saturday Night Live), Gail Morgan Hickman (Murphy’s Law and Death Wish 4: The Crackdown) and James Belushi – yes, the James Belushi – and directed by Jack Smight (No Way to Treat a Lady, The Illustrated Man, Damnation Alley), this is the story of two cops, the borderline psychotic Nick “Berserk” Barzack (Carradine) and smooth jazz playing ladies’ man Frank Hazeltine (Williams).

Not many buddy cop movies have the cops dealing with one of their relationships with their mother and ex-wife, who are played by Doris Roberts and Valerie Bertinelli. And in case you’re wondering why Belushi wasn’t in this, it turns out that his schedule was too busy, so they called in Carradine.

Hey! Peters Graves is in this! And John Gries! Man, John Gries, you’re in so much stuff that no one gives you credit for, making movies like Real Genius better as Lazlo, Joysticks as King Vidiot, O. D. in TerrorVision, you steal the show as Louie in Fright Night 2, you’re great as the wolfman in Monster Squad and yeah, everyone knows you were in Napoleon Dynamite but those roles, man – you’ve done so much with them.

And yes, if you have mud wrestling or any wrestling in your movie made in the 70s or 80s, Gene LeBell must legally be in it.