The Glass Menagerie (1987)


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The Glass Menagerie Movie Reviews

Deeply moving–tops all previous film versions.

The depth of feeling manifested in the acting on display here easily trumps both the (wildly miscast)Gertrude Lawrence and the (vastly overrated) Katherine Hepburn versions of this celebrated play.

Though everyone involved (on both sides of the camera) does a first rate job, special accolades are due to Joanne Woodward, who is perhaps the first actress to really understand Amanda, since the role’s originator–Laurette Taylor.

The pathos in Miss Woodward’s delineation of the character is almost unbearable on some occasions, as in the famous jonquil soliloquy, in which she conveys, with hushed voice and beatific eyes, a sentimental recollection for lost time (and lost love) that is not only wholly personally convincing, but also manages to imprint her sentiment onto the audience with all the deja vu of Proust’s madeleine.

Her Amanda is never less than fully persuasive.

And Mr. Malkovitch, in his final address to the camera, (“blow out your candles Laura”) achieves effects of the same high order, with emotions so confiding, intimate, and genuine that he leaves viewers of any sensitivity as heartbroken as he is.

All told a devastating achievement not to be missed by admirers of Mr. Williams.

Not my favorite film version but solid performances by all

I have taught the play many times to my high school English classes. I have also shown various movie versions to my students as well.

I enjoyed this version, but it’s not the one I would show my classes.

I thought that Woodward’s Amanda was softer and sweeter than Gertrude Lawrence and Katharine Hepburn. Some parts I would have liked to have seen her a bit more emotional, but I feel that Joanne Woodward turned in a touching performance. The character of Amanda can be quite funny; Judith Ivey did a wonderful job as Amanda on Broadway in the spring of 2010. I feel that Woodward brought out some of that humor in the role.

I also liked the other three too. All good performances, but the pacing of the movie slowed it down. Also the film looked quite dark. I know it’s a memory play set in a dingy apartment, but it was a bit too dark, especially when the lights have been turned off.

What’s up with Tom visiting the now vacant and abandoned apartment building?

Overall, I prefer the 1950 black and white version. Unlike many others, I really liked Gertrude Lawrence’s Amanda. I also liked Arthur Kennedy and Jane Wyman. Kirk Douglas was a little bit too energetic but still good.

When I showed Katharine Hepburn’s Amanda, my students begged to return to the black and white version. This – coming from kids who hate black and white movies.

I am glad I finally sat down to watch this version, but for me I will stick with the first film version, even if it has that insipid happy ending.

The best filmed version of The Glass Menagerie

When it comes to Tennesse Williams, I am more familiar myself with Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire, but when studying The Glass Menagerie for A Levels three years ago I was struck by how moving the story and the character of Laura was. And apart from a few close-ups that distracted from the momentum of some scenes, I loved this version and consider one of the better, perhaps even the best, version(s) of The Glass Menagerie. The production values look striking, and even with the close ups the photography is not half bad. I will be honest in saying that Paul Newman is a better actor than he is as director. That is not to say that he didn’t do a good job, he did(in fact it is for me one of his better directorial efforts), but this is the same Paul Newman who has been responsible for some of the finest performances I’ve seen like in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Cool Hand Luke, The Hustler and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof(where he played Brick) and for me his directing while impressive is not quite up to the same standard. What is impressive here though is that, from his work as Brick no doubt, he does capture the basic core of The Glass Menagerie instead of missing the point of it. Back to the rest of the film’s assets, the story is still moving and the script is just as beautifully written and thoughtful as Williams’ own writing. And there are great performances too, James Naughton is excellent as Jim and John Malkovich’s Tom is wonderfully fey and gives his monologues a suitably dream-like quality. The best two performances though come from Karen Allen as a heartbreaking Laura and especially the superb Amanda(one of Williams’ juiciest characters) of Joanne Woodward. In conclusion, a great, well-acted version of The Glass Menagerie. 9/10 Bethany Cox